Bristol St. "Jour de Poker 4" -- RESULTS!!!

On hot Saturday after noon, Bristol Street opened it's doors for Jour de Poker 4 - the classic deepstack tournament with numerous side events for the players that bust out. And this time, something additional would be on the line; an entry into the 2006 GRAND FINAL and precious Player of the Year points.

Sadly, I got knocked out early in the event, played in some side games and the final table ran down to a winner without my watchful eye recording every all-in. So, here's the mini-report for the final table.

"compuese" Jeff, representing the Milton Rock's return to Bristol Street action was eliminated in 10th position, allowing the final table to form.


Seat 1 : "JohnnieH" Johnnie H ($49,200)
Seat 2 : "Shopsy" Jeff S ($30,400)
Seat 3 : "Billy" Jon ($33,700)
Seat 4 : "Metro" Tom ($35,300)
Seat 5 : "Fallen Angel" Gow ($54,300)
Seat 6 : "QTJen" Jen ($33,000)
Seat 7 : "Flint Bones" Andrew ($9,500)
Seat 8 : "PokerJAH" Jim ($23,700)
Seat 9 : "The Smurf" Eddy ($21,700)

9th Place - "PokerJAH Jim" - 9:21pm

Soon to appear on TV in the semi-finals of the 2006 Degree Poker Tournament, "PokerJAH" Jim was one of 9 players debuting for the first time at Bristol Street. An excellent run!

8th Place - "Flint Bones" Andrew - 9:29pm
7th Place - "Billy" Jon - 9:29pm

A three way all-in saw these players and Gow with the following hands; AA, AK and AJ. Gow, not only held the AA, but also had both players covered making for a quick trip to the bubble position.

6th Place - "QTJen" Jen - 9:41pm (BUBBLE-GIRL)

A number of us were surprised when Jen came out of the basement 10 minutes later. We'll let Jen describe her exit has she didn't seemed pleased with her play. Still, Jen crippled regular player "Dirty Whore" Mark early in the tournament and kept that momentum going through to the Final Table. An excellent debut at Bristol Street!

5th Place - "Fallen Angel" - 10:52pm ($60)

There was then a long period of time between Bubble and 5th place. It was finally Gow who exited in 5th place earning him some important points in the Player of the Year Race.

4th Place - "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 11:20pm ($115)

Johnnie entered the tournament tied with "Moose" Rob in Player of the Year point. His 4th place finish is guaranteed to vault him ahead of Rob, but would one of the final three players be able to launch past him?

3rd Place - "The Smurf" Eddy - 11:50pm ($175)

Currently vaulting up the places in the 2006 Heads Up Championship, Eddy's strong finish here will make him another strong PoY contender. With his elimination we became....


"Metro" Tom ($?)
"Shopsy" Jeff ($?)

Saldy, this one was over before it began and by the time I realized we were heads up, it was over. (Let's hope the players will be able to better describe the starting chip counts and details on the battle.)

In then end, "Metro" Tom found himself on the top of the heap, earning $520, an entry into the 2006 GRAND FINAL and the title of "Jour de Poker 4 Champion"! "Shopsy" wound up with a very nice $290 second place prize, and a nice pile of PoY points.

With Tom's win, the standings were computed and the race for the 2006 Player of the Year is back on as Tom moves into first place with 129 points over Johnnie H's 121 for second.


1st: "Metro" Tom - 12:05am ($520) - 54 points
2nd: "Shopsy" Jeff - 12:05am ($290) - 38 points
3rd: "The Smurf" Eddy - 11:50pm ($175) - 31 points
4th: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 11:20pm ($115) - 27 points
5th: "Fallen Angel" Gow - 10:52pm ($60) - 24 points
6th: "QTJen" Jen - 9:41pm (BUBBLE-GIRL) - 22 points
7th: "Billy" Jon - 9:29pm - 20 points
8th: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 9:29pm - 19 points
9th: "PokerJAH" Jim - 9:21pm - 18 points
10th: "compuease" Jeff - 9:01pm - 17 points
11th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 8:49pm - 16 points
12th: Bryan - 8:31pm - 16 points
13th: "beanie42" Trevor - 8:01pm - 15 points
14th: "MIRMIR" Miranada - 7:54pm - 14 points
15th: Bob S - 6:25pm - 14 points
16th: "Hollywoods" Cole - 6:20pm - 13 points
17th: "PokerQueenie" Mandy - 6:10pm - 13 points
18th: Nicole - 6:05pm - 13 points
19th: Geoff H - 6:02pm - 12 points
20th: "Oragami" Jonathan - 6:00pm - 12 points
21st: "diddy" Paul - 5:09pm - 12 points
22nd: "liquidfire" Andrew - 5:04pm - 11 points
23rd: "Zithal" Rob - 4:50pm - 11 points
24th: "AcidJoe" Joe - 4:30pm - 11 points
25th: "stpboy" Shannon - 4:18pm - 11 points
26th: "NoVeLTeK" Ian - 4:05pm - 11 points
27th: "Sinister" Genghis - 4:04pm - 10 points
28th: "AJstud" AJ - 3:56pm - 10 points
29th: "DirtyWhore" Mark - 3:46pm - 10 points


  • Rob – Thanks for a great day!

    First off, I wasn’t even supposed to show up – I had to stand up my Nana to play. But, it saved me a drive to Bobcaygeon.

    I was very lucky to be able to play in the garage – but my starting table was full of players I knew were capable of taking this down, as a number of them have in the past. Although, I am sure we were all thinking long term – getting past the opening table was going to be a challenge on its own.

    I was happy to see Mark, Shannon and Paul go out – not because I don’t like them, rather because they are tough opponents.

    However, having them replaced by Rob, Cole and Shopsy did not make our table any easier.

    Taking Jeremy out was probably a turning point in my day. I started with Shannon and Jeremy immediately to my left (never pleasant). Rob, Cole and Shopsy filled a couple places – but having Jeremy that close to my left for most of the afternoon remained my biggest threat to reaching the final table.

    By the time Jeremy was out – the final table became much nearer to me. The next challenge was entering the final table from the table that was over all significantly short stacked. I think we had about 100 000 of the 290 000 chips in play. So as a group we were greatly out chipped. I hoped my luck may change once I hit the final table, but then Gow became immediately to my left. (What a day – I had, at one point or another, Shannon, Jeremy, Rob, Cole and Gow; sitting directly to my left). Gow and Johnnie were chip leads at the final table and both are capable of using them. I was 3rd in chips – but far behind Gow and Johnnie who had nice leads.

    Big hands of the Final Table included Gow taking out 2 players in one shot his AA vs. AK and AJ. Very near after – I was happy to take out QT-Jen whom, at my previous table, developed a fetish for coming over the top of all my pre-flop raises. Luckily, I got AA, executed a standard raise, to which she pushed all-in – finally I was able to call.

    It was a long period between the bubble burst and the money. This was due to the greater amount of play at the final table. Generally, Bristol’s start with a ¼ of the chips but same blinds – so by the time it is down the final few it becomes a push fest with even the chip leaders’ M below 10. However, with more chips in play the final table played out nicely – the chip lead moved around a lot – but kept all 5 of us with playable stacks.

    The chip lead literally moved around the table in a counter clockwise fashion. I was able to maintain 100k+ chips during most of the final 5 – I dropped below once – when trying to take out JohnnieH (who was holding the POY position) with my AK v 55. No help for me and Johnnie hit a 5. I was knocked down to 60K.

    I can’t remember too many other details of the final bit – it was a long day and it was HOT. But one of my favourite was against GOW, who while dragging in his 3 way all-in mass of chips, I was able to value bet for about 20K – he called my bets preflop, flop, turn and river without even paying attention – But he owed me from previous Bristol Final Tables.

    When we were down to 3, Eddy and I had a lot of chips and Shopsy was short – but refused to go out.

    By the time we went heads up – I had a pretty big lead over Shopsy – he probably had about 100K to my 190K – but at least the blinds were still reasonable for both of us.

    Eventually it came down to Shopsy pushing my SB Raise, I called, having both a decent Ace, and a more commanding chip lead by this time.

    He had 10-8 and I had A-9.

    His 10 came on the flop – as did my 9 – I got lucky and rivered a 9.

    Thanks Rob for the great day – and every one else for some great poker.

    I guess it is time to officially change my name from TNORTH to Metro – although I haven’t a clue how to do that on the Forum.
  • Ditto here. Once again, lots of fun at Bristol St.

    After Gow was eliminated from the FT I decided to cool thing down in the basement by playing the role of Santa Claus. I was able to bring Christmas in July by doubling up both Shopsy AND Eddie!! HO HO D'OH!!!

    But Metro is right, not having an M of 10 (or less) was great to actually play poker. I still get a thrill when you can raise 15K and not have it hurt your stack!

    Thanks again, Rob!

  • You're welcome Tom (for paying you 20K or so not really paying attention to the board at all). I can't even remember what I had or what I was calling with.

    I felt pretty good after 2 people moved all-in to my AA. After that, I had a nice stack until i donked away about 20 to Tom.

    The deciding hand against Eddy, i don't even know what i was thinking. It was folded around to me (small blind) and it was just Eddy in big. I had 64o and my head was saying "fold fold fold" but i decided to limp and call. Eddy checks.

    Flop came down 4 A brick and Eddy came out with a small bet. 7000 or so but it was relatively small compared to what we were usually betting. That should have been a dead-give away right there. I call. Turn comes a 4 and i'm jumping for joy in my head. Eddy bets strong, i push all in and he flips AA and that ends my night. Should have just folded the small blind. Oh well.

    Thanks for a great night of poker Rob. Sooooo..any Bristol's or anything rearing their heads anytime soon?
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Flop came down 4 A brick and Eddy came out with a small bet. 7000 or so but it was relatively small compared to what we were usually betting. That should have been a dead-give away right there. I call. Turn comes a 4 and i'm jumping for joy in my head. Eddy bets strong, i push all in and he flips AA and that ends my night. Should have just folded the small blind. Oh well.

    That was brutal. (well, for you) Everyone else thought it was super. Don't worry, you played well for the other 7+ hours!

    I was amazed that we played for over an hour, trying to fend off 5th place! Nobody wanted that $60. Craziness.

    Thanks for a good game, Gowsikin. (I know thats spelled wrong!!)

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Flop came down 4 A brick and Eddy came out with a small bet. 7000 or so but it was relatively small compared to what we were usually betting. That should have been a dead-give away right there. I call. Turn comes a 4 and i'm jumping for joy in my head. Eddy bets strong, i push all in and he flips AA and that ends my night. Should have just folded the small blind. Oh well.

    That was brutal. (well, for you) Everyone else thought it was super. Don't worry, you played well for the other 7+ hours!

    I was amazed that we played for over an hour, trying to fend off 5th place! Nobody wanted that $60. Craziness.

    Thanks for a good game, Gowsikin. (I know thats spelled wrong!!)



    LOL even started signing as Mark? I'm sorry. My head decides to give up on names sometimes. It won't happen again. Next time it happens, slap me upside the head.

    and its spelled Gowsikan. Close though, i'll give you that much.
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