West Side Poker Club's Weekly Friday Night Tournaments/RESULTS

West Side Poker Club will now be running tournaments on a weekly basis in association with the Airport Club. 

:c: :d: :s: :h: Friday Night Poker 9:00 pm start time  :h: :s: :d: :c:

The tournament format will be as follows:

  80.00 Freeze Out
  Room for 70 players.
  20.00 optional bounty
  5000 chips
  20 minutes blinds
  Satellites start at 8:00 pm
  Professional Dealers and quality tables and Tournament Director
  Top 10% of the field gets paid.

Free Roll Tournaments

Players will earn chips toward our free roll tournament each time they participate in our Friday night tournaments.  Here is how it is going to work:

 Top 48 chip earners into a Free Roll tournament date October 1st, 2006
 For each Friday night tournament in which you play in you will earn 1000 chips.
 Those who pre-register either with a phone call or here on the forum can earn an additional        500 in chips toward you free roll total.
 Based on how you finish each tournament.  You can earn the following chips amounts.

1. 5000 chips
2. 4000 chips
3. 3000 chips
4. 2000 chips
5. 1500 chips
6. 1000 chips
7. 500 chips

On October 01st we will take the top 48 chip earners and they will compete for a winner take all (deals will probably happen) tournament.  Prize pool to be announced on September 29th. but it will be guaranteed to start at 1000.00

After each tournament we will have live 1/2 and 5/5 NL games.

To reserve a seat please email us at airportpoker@gmail.com or call 416-670-2499 or 647-430-3621 or 647-998-1651

Prophet :2h :2s


  • This spot is reserved for me
  • Count me in for this friday.

  • I won't be able to come out to any games for the next little while, Brent, but you can count on me coming out as often as I can starting in September.

    For those who haven't played the Airport Club yet, or are not familiar with West Side, I can't say enough good things about either of them. Seeing them coming together to offer regular weekly tournaments is a GREAT ADVANCEMENT for both, as well as for players in the area.
  • Thanks for the emcouragment AJ. I know it will start a little slow, we have had 20 players the last few weeks. I suspect August will still be slow, but I know things will pick up in September and look forward to seeing you then.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Hey Brent, I may be out this Friday, would be nice to see you and Cam.
  • long time no see :D Ill be in Ottawa rafting this weekend but I'll make it out soon
  • Would you guys hate me if I came just for the side games? I hate tournaments lol :) Is this at the same place where I went to the last one? Near the 'exotic message' place? :P
  • Meistro wrote:
    Near the 'exotic message' place? :P
    That must be the place that sends SMS's about Fiji...

    Good luck with this, Brent. I'll come out sometime before the end of the month.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Meistro wrote:
    Near the 'exotic message' place? :P
    That must be the place that sends SMS's about Fiji...

    lol.  :wav:
  • Meistro wrote:
    Near the 'exotic message' place? :P

    Ummmmmmmm, no, not there. It's near the Church...honest dear, it is!! :D
  • GTA,

    Look forwward to seeing you tomorrow night. Cam and I will be having dinner at the Texas Longhorn Bar and Grill around 5:30 before the game if you care to stop by.

  • Brent,

    can you reserve seats for LeeAnne, Lellio and myself for Friday Aug. 11th. I will let you know by Wed. if I am bringing anyone else. Looking forward to seein you guy's again.

  • Rob good to hear from you again. If you need directions just phone the number listed or PM me.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Hey Brent,
    I can't make it this friday; but i'm 95% there for the next one, I'll confirm closer to the date.

  • Thanls for the notice Dave.
  • Looks like this week will be a great turn out. Hope to see lots of new players as well. See everyone tonight.
  • I Want to thank everyone that came out on Friday as we had 18 people that showed up to play in the 1st of 8 weeks.  There will be a freeroll for the top 48 people in points that will start at $ 1,000 winner take all, but most likely there will be some type of deal when it gets down to 2 or 3 people.

    It was great to see the 9 forum players that came out hopefully there will more for next Friday.  Here is the TOP 7 in point people.  Congratulations to Cameron who took down 1st place for $ 600 and 6 bounty's for $ 120.

    1st Cameron 6,500
    2nd Nechelle 5,500
    3rd Alister 4,500
    4th Lello 4,000
    5th Darrell 3,000
    6th LeeAnne 2,500
    7th Mike G 2,000

    There is 48 spots for the free-roll and 18 people came out last Friday so there is lots of opportunity's to get into it so let us know if you are going to make it out on Friday.

    Thanks Brent & Cameron
  • Satellite for tonight's tournament start at 8:00 pm. Tournament to start at 9:00 sharp followed by live 5/5 and 1/2 games.

  • Cam,

    Jim S will becoming tonight nd Chad.  Add them to the list.  I already sent him the directions.

  • this going on this week?
  • this going on this week?

    Yes Karl it is, if you need directions you can phone one of the numberrrrs listed or PM me.

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