Game 7 Players' Listing

Second half of Season 3 is about to begin. If you intend to play, please reserve your seat ASAP.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-28 16:35:40
AcidJoe - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-28 17:39:22
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-28 18:49:59
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-28 20:32:07
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-29 06:27:10
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-29 07:17:43
EASY - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-29 14:50:53
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-31 09:10:20
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved
BigGus - Seat Reserved
Amiee - Seat Reserved
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-08-01 06:32:51
TheBusDriver - Seat Reserved
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-08-03 16:03:17


  • I'm sure Aimee responded to you, but I don't see her on the list, she is playing Thursday.
  • I've added her to the list Joe, but I don't see her as having responded. ???
  • ok then that does not work me rsvping blah.. go figure ...
    but i am in .... kewl...
  • Relatively small list of players tonight, compared to recent games. Still a pretty good turnout though.

    If you want in, get you're name on this list before 6pm!!
  • Is the game still on or is the rumour it's too hot to play true.....
  • Too hot??? Who gave that line of crap???

    GAME IS ON!!!
  • Still should be a good game with 13 players so far.

    TOO HOT, never too hot to play poker even at AJ's, plus the rain today has cooled things down a little.

    See you all tonight
  • STEVE!!

    Welcome to the forum!! About bloody time!

    The only heat in my place is when Joe says "ALL IN" with Crap!!! AND IT HOLDS UP FOR HIM!
  • I guess the rumour I started didn't work. I guess I have to bring the bracelet and pop and chips then take the bracelet away again.
  • Take the Bracelet BACK?!?!?!

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    I guess the rumour I started didn't work.  I guess I have to bring the bracelet and pop and chips then take the bracelet away again. 

    Only if you mug the winner by their car. :D
  • Just to be on the safe side, and prevent any kind of mugging on my streets...

    I'LL WIN!!
    I don't have to go anywhere after the game, except bed. And no, Joe, you can't follow me there! :D
  • Where abouts are the games played? I may be interested in joining in on the fun, getting some live play giong on, at a price i can afford

  • Brampton. Ching Park area.
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