May all your hole cards be ACES,
except during league games

May all your pots be huge,
when you raise with cards so lame

May all your bluffs pan out
and all your monsters thrive
May all your chips remain in your view
May all your cards stay live.


Time to take VEGAS by STORM!!



  • Happy B-Day....it looks like you got a bit of an early gift on Thursday.
  • Happy Birthday. I guess Thursday you'll try to make it a payday for you Birthday.
  • Thanks so much everyone!

    AJ thats the best birthday card I have ever received!

    See everyone on thursday where you can witness my domination of the feild! :ah :ac
  • Field, maybe...
    JHJ wrote:
    feild! :ah :ac

    Domination of the English language, however, obviously not!!! :D

    All the best Justin. Now that you're Vegas Legal, you can become an even BIGGER threat!
  • Happy Birthday, Justin! (I got it right this week)\

    If you can't take two weeks off like me, at least yell at some old people at the bank for kicks on Monday!

    Have a good one,
  • Happy Birthday Justin!

    Can't wait to hear all the stories of your birthday celebrations in Vegas ;)
  • HBD, JHJ. Have a good one.

    Does this mean you can drink beer at league games now?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Does this mean you can drink beer at league games now?

    I thought we had a rule about that? Shouldn't be allowed!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Does this mean you can drink beer at league games now?

    I thought we had a rule about that?  Shouldn't be allowed!!!

    I think the rule is Joe isn't allowed beer anymore. Didn't seem to hurt me last Thursday. LOL
  • All the best JHJ

    It seems like yesterday when I was saying: "Hey AJ, your daughters playmate just sat at the table, and he wants to play cards! Isn't that cute?"

    Which quickly turned to "I just gotta beat that Justin, just once!"

    Good luck in VEGAS
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