Joe may have won, but Amiee will NEVER forgive!!!

Joe took down Game tonight, facing Justin headsup. Sorry folks, beer is making brain fogging so I dont' remember last hand...suffice it to say, Joe took it down.

Third place went to Derek, who has been pretty quite this season, but now with the taste of money fresh in his mouth, I'm sure we haven't heard the last of him.

And thankfully, THE EL TRAIN HAS BEEN DERAILED...question is now, for how long??? Eleanor finally got bumped out before the merger of tables. Man, the way she's been hammering us lately, I didn't think that would ever happen.

Well suffice it to say, I'm pretty tippsy right now, so I"m going to leave the rest of the posting to the other members. I want to thank everyone for making my b'day game so much fun. Next time, though, I expect to win the damn thing!!!

Acid Joe's victory Pic...look at that smile!!! SUCK OUT ARTIST EXTRODINARRE!!!

Unfortunate for Joe, he made Amiee CHUMP...hmmmm, I wonder how the trip home sounded???


  • I took down the El train when I flopped the nut straight. Checked it with her and the 3rd club come up. I bet out and moved in going I know you don't have the flush. She was right, neither did she. Now Aimee is pissed cuz I called her preflop raise UTG with 3 5 of hearts. flop brough 2 more hearts with JJ being on board, I bet 700 she made it 1500 leaving me with 140 if I called, so I pushed she obviously called with her J A with the A being hearts. I turned the heart and shit happened. river didn't bring her the bigger flush or the boat. It was the turning point since it gave me a dominating chip stack. I then went on to donk off many chips before winning (according to aj). It was a good game. I thought justin and I could play for an hour since the stacks were relatively even. But apparently that didn't happen. Good game AJ and Happy b day again. Now to catch the El train for the ride to the money.
  • IN THE TRUNK ALL THE WAY TO THE GAS STATION BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I even offered him to easy,, but apparently she turned him down....
  • I even offered him to easy,, but apparently she turned him down....

    Now THAT'S a stab! :D

    Sorry for the ohsobrief game outline, guys, but by the time I got to posting last night, eyes were blurry, speech was slurred, computer screen was pulsing, and the room was a spinning!!

    Just wondering....was I playing abit more aggressively than usual last night?
  • Are you sure that is Joe in the pic or is it Jimmy Buffet?
  • I'm pretty sure that's Joe. He was keeping up to me all night long (what a great guy, won't let a man drink alone!)

    Although, I'm sure he doesn't look ANYTHING like the pic now. Amiee said something about rearranging parts of his anatomy or something.... :D
  • All my parts are somewhere. I'm almost together. You seemed to only being aggressive against me. Must have thought I was drunk or something :)
  • NO NO NO don't want to hurt the goods... I may need them sometime in the future.. For now the boys are safe and where they belong... *wink*
  • I have a question for every one........

    How do you master the suck out? or how do you counter it?

  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I have a question for every one........

    How do you master the suck out? or how do you counter it?


    Well, first, go all in preflop with Aces.

    Then watch as they get CRACKED!!! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Just wondering....was I playing abit more aggressively than usual last night?

    I wouldn't say more aggressive, just more often.

    Now as for Joe, I you played well. Let's just say, Amiee wont be the only one gunning for your chips next time out.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Well, first, go all in preflop with Aces.

    Then watch as they get CRACKED!!! :D

    I already have that part down....I mean how do you crack aces.......I've seen them crack enough already.....I want to be the Cracker....not the crackie.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Well, first, go all in preflop with Aces.

    Then watch as they get CRACKED!!! :D

    I already have that part down....I mean how do you crack aces.......I've seen them crack enough already.....I want to be the Cracker....not the crackie.

    Oh, okay....

    Go all in with KK
    Get called by AA and QQ
    Watch the Q hit the turn


    Or, you can fold AA everytime. Never get cracked if you never play them.
  • I had AA twice early on in EP both times. Small raise, no callers.. :'(

    better than being cracked I guess.

    Easy had AA cracked on the bubble by Joe calling all-in blind with A7o and hitting perfect perfect on the turn and river. Now that friggin hurts! :rage:
  • That was just HARSH!!! :rage: I couldn't believe the runner runner he nailed on that one. Joe couldn't do wrong last night at all. I don't think he looked at his hole cards more than 5 times all night long, just kept going in blind.

    Not sure if he was just being reckless...or trying to tell us we weren't good enough to beat him if he knew what he had.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I had AA twice early on in EP both times. Small raise, no callers.. :'(

    better than being cracked I guess.

    Easy had AA cracked on the bubble by Joe calling all-in blind with A7o and hitting perfect perfect on the turn and river. Now that friggin hurts!  :rage:

    For the record that was me! :rage:

    And all though I may not be returning the favor anytime soon. I will make it my duty to out raise, out bluff, crack, suckout, and bully, Joe's hands every chance I get.
  • Congrats Joe! I knew you didn't have the flush - but I didn't put you on the straight either. Ah well....had lots of outs (better straight & flush)...but nothing materialized.

    Sorry we left so quick last night guys, but between Chris & I both steaming, and the heat in AJ's house....we were about to get heatstroke ;)
    AcidJoe wrote:
    Now to catch the El train for the ride to the money.

    Joe - you do realize that...

    a) the league champs (points & money) get their name on a plaque....there's no prize at the end of the season other than bragging rights and honour
    b) you will never catch me :D

    Derek - glad to see you make the money. I'd hate for Karey to make you sleep on the couch on your first night in the new place ;)
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Sorry we left so quick last night guys, but between Chris & I both steaming, and the heat in AJ's house....we were about to get heatstroke ;)

    Was it hot in my place last night?? I didn't notice it so much. I kept myself well lubricated though.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    IEasy had AA cracked on the bubble by Joe calling all-in blind with A7o and hitting perfect perfect on the turn and river. Now that friggin hurts!  :rage:

    I had more than enough chips for that call regardless of what I had. Even if I had looked I would have called, I think it was only 300 more to me with about 8 K in chips in front.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    That was just HARSH!!! :rage: I couldn't believe the runner runner he nailed on that one. Joe couldn't do wrong last night at all. I don't think he looked at his hole cards more than 5 times all night long, just kept going in blind.

    Not sure if he was just being reckless...or trying to tell us we weren't good enough to beat him if he knew what he had.

    I love the I'll call blind. Unfortunately the one time I played El she didn't realize I was playing blind. When I looked I actually had something but not enough to beat her. Then came the flopped straight which she never saw coming.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    AcidJoe wrote:
    Now to catch the El train for the ride to the money.

    Joe - you do realize that...

    a) the league champs (points & money) get their name on a plaque....there's no prize at the end of the season other than bragging rights and honour
    b) you will never catch me :D

    Bragging rights works for me :)

    You may be ahead but you are very catchable, besides it's been a while since I had my name on a plaque. Isn't there a TOC at the end of the year? Even that works for me.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Isn't there a TOC at the end of the year? Even that works for me.

    Yes, there IS a TOC event after the 12 game seasons. All the points you earn during regular season games equal BONUS starting chips for this event.

    But I think Justin will be able to tell you your odds of taking this one down! He's won BOTH TOC's so far.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Yes, there IS a TOC event after the 12 game seasons.  All the points you earn during regular season games equal BONUS starting chips for this event.

    But I think Justin will be able to tell you your odds of taking this one down!  He's won BOTH TOC's so far.

    Yeah, but I heard he's losing his touch in his old age ;)
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Yeah, but I heard he's losing his touch in his old age ;)

    Yea, I hear that it's the first thing to go...

    Ummmmmmmm, what were we talking about??? :'(
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Derek - glad to see you make the money. I'd hate for Karey to make you sleep on the couch on your first night in the new place ;)

    Hey, thanks El. Karey, make me sleep on the couch.... it would take quite a bit for that... I'm irresistible;)
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