Happy Birthday STR82ACE

Just because it is your Birthday doesn't mean we'll let you win ;)

I have a good one.  :ah :jh



  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Just because it is your Birthday doesn't mean we'll let you win ;)

    LET me win??? hahahahahahahaha :D

    Wouldn't mean a thing if you LET me win!!! Besides, already on beer #4!! You just MAY have an advantage tonight :D

    Thanks for the wishes though. Means alot to me!!!
  • Never met you in person (to my knowledge) but Happy B-Day!!
  • Happy birthday AJ!

  • Maybe the nicest guy I have ever come across in my poker journeys. I hope we will meet up again for a game in the near future....p.s. I have now spent my 500th post on this birthday wish...feel very privledged.
  • Thanks guys. Believe it or not, it means the world to me.

    If I've meet you and played you before, you MUST know me (I'm the loud one), and I am eagar to meet you on the felt again.

    If I haven't played you yet...count your blessings!! :D Seriously, here's hoping we meet up on the felt soon enough!!!

    thanks a million everyone!!!
  • AJ

    Hope you had a great day, wish I could have respond to this earlier. It has been one of those days for me. Cam and I have had the pleasure of knowing and playing cards with you. You have been a great supporter of West Side Poker Club and we appreciate it. Your game has improved 100% from that first time you had me in your home to play 18 months ago.

    Hope you game went well tonight, and I hope to get out there again soon.

  • HBDAJ. U R the best!
  • Happy Birthday AJ, I mean that. I couldn't let you drink alone :)

    SOwy for dewing da kowl thang in da pikture.
  • Happy Birthday AJ... Great game ... until i ran into AcidJoeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Had fun... umm the drive home Joe was in the trunk all the way to the gas station... Since he filled me up... I let him sit in the front seat the rest of the way home. *WINK*
  • !!!Happy Happy Happy Birthday AJ!!!!

    Thanks for welcoming we so wonderfully to Ching Hill! You're stuck with me now, sorry.

    Hopefully you had a great time tonite, sorry you didn't win, but that's what happens when you get drunk and play cards. It happened to me on my birthday too - and the game was rigged in my favour.

  • Even though I didn't win last night, I still had a great time. I fully intended to keep a cold one by my side all night, and I succeeded!!! Joe, thanks for not letting me drink alone...you were keeping up with me pretty much all night.

    I had a great time last night...played ultra aggressive and it seemed to pay off a couple of times. Played ever 27 I got dealt (for July 27th) and every 43 (that's my age) too. Bluffed Joe out of a couple of nice pots early too, that was sweet.

    Brent, thanks for the compliment on my play. I'm still trying to improve.

    Amanda, you are MORE than welcome to join us on The Hill any time you like. Hopefully, you and I will get involved...in a hand I mean ;-)
  • Hopefully, you and I will get involved
    Careful, man. El might get jealous. And then her foot might get in touch with Lil' AJ and his friends...
  • :D:D:D:D:D:D Happy Birthday AJ! :D:D:D:D:D:D

    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Hopefully, you and I will get involved
    Careful, man. El might get jealous. And then her foot might get in touch with Lil' AJ and his friends...

    No jealousy here. I know AJ will always have a special place in his heart for me. Afterall, I was his first.

    First woman in the league that is ;)
  • My First...

    And still my FAVOURITE Eleanor ;)
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