Crazy Gambooler Gets Careless

This morning (I go to work as a morning radio host at 5am) I scoop up $2100 in $100 bills as I am leaving the house (I won the local tournament last Wednesday night). I drive to work and I leave the whole pile sitting, until noon, on the front seat of my UNLOCKED car in the parking lot at work... It's all still there when I get in my car at noon to go to the bank. Whew. This is the sort of thing that ONLY a poker player could do because it's not REAL money... it POKER money. In other words, I do not treat it like I treat cash from my real life. Nevertheless... note to self... take better care of poker money...

Course, it was a good day to pull such a boneheaded move because the Prime Minister Paul Martin was in our studio and so there was security ALL OVER the place.


  • sounds just like any other rider fans that i know.
  • Either no one saw the cash or if anyone did they must have thought that it was too easy and that it was a set up. :)
    When I was younger I would have considered checking the doors and taking(stealing) the $$, but I now believe in this thing called karma.. :roll:
  • LOL I always find it hilarious when people change the word gamble to gambol, or gambler to gamboler. I know it's a joke and it seems to be how a lot of asians say the word. But does anyone know what that actually means?

    Let me tell you, you might get a could kick out of this, Dave the one who seems to frolic like crazy. Ho ho.

    Basically it means to skip in play. Other words you could use are frisk and frolic.

    From meriam-webster

    Main Entry: gambol
    Function: noun
    Etymology: modification of Middle French gambade spring of a horse, gambol, probably from Old Provençal camba leg, from Late Latin
    : a skipping or leaping about in play
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