Rainy Day Game Anywhere?

Any body interested in a SNG tonight?

I ll check back in a couple hours to determine interest.


  • Interested, and can confirm when more details provided (what time, and who's hosting)?
  • I'm interested.

    Or we could play the CPF game at Stars.

  • yaupp iam in cant wait
  • Well If enough people were interested I would be willing to have a few people over.

    Probably 7:30 to 8ish.

    But this will depend on having enough people around...

    My number is 895-3976 - unfortunately - our internet is f'd right now - so I have to walk around to steal a signal to get on here.

    But keep in touch....- has anyone heard from Mark?
  • TNORTH wrote:
    But keep in touch....- has anyone heard from Mark?
    He said he probably had hockey tonight.
  • Ok - right now we have....

    1. Tom
    2. Trevor
    3. Jen
    4. Johnnie
    5. Possibley my roommate
    6. Guy down the hall...

    So we would be at least looking for 2 more people...

    We will hope for an 8:00 game - if we can get a couple more....

    Please call or post.

  • Ok - looks like we are a go - probably starting around 8:15 - gimmie a call if you need directions.

    We still have a spot or two available so if any one else sees this - give me a call.
  • Thanks for the game, Tom.

    How'd the 2nd SNG go?

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    How'd the 2nd SNG go?
    I won the 2nd, and Jen won the 3rd.
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