Training Room -- Anyone played 15 30 there lately?

Seems to be the only middle limit game in the GTA, anyone played it lately?


  • I've played there lately, but not their 15/30 L. It was a tourney. Dealers were good, & the crowd is mainly decent people.


    Food quality, specifically the sausage. I know it's a poker club, not a restaurant but considering the $25 tournament 'fee', it shouldn't have been low quality/very salty.

    'VIG'. I inquired about the 'vig' on the live game, I didn't play when I got the answer.

    Payout structure was horrible. Very top-heavy, which was unfair considering it was bingo late in the tourney. I believe there was 36 players, 4th got their buy-in back for outlasting 32 players. 3rd got something like $450 (maybe $500, don't remember exactly) out of a $3600 prize pool.
  • Yeah, the rake on their tournies has been bad for a long time. Thus, my inquiry about the cash game. I had emailed them several tims in the past and not received a response about the rake, I guess I should take that for what it is...just thought I'd check again.
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