Game 6 Listing

Here's the players list so far for this week. I only have 1 question:


STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-22 08:02:45
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-22 09:37:23
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-22 10:02:48
EASY - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-22 19:52:14
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-23 07:52:39
AcidJoe - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-23 12:18:26
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-24 10:39:25
BigGus - Seat Reserved
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved
Amiee - Seat Reserved
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-25 07:58:43
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-25 08:49:30
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-25 10:06:29
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-25 16:58:44
TheBusDriver - Seat Reserved


  • I"m looking for some cows to throw on the tracks to slow her down..... hopefully she doesn't wreck. Seriously she's been playing well and minimizing the suckouts on her while sucking out a little. Good recipe for winning.
  • I'm not saying I don't respect her play, because I do...probably more than most. Participating in a couple of weekly games has made her a DOMINATRIX ON THE FELT!! :D

    What I AM saying however is SHARE THE WEALTH!! :rage:

    Seriously, we need a BUS to knock the El Train back a few feet!!!
  • El is going down. I could say something about Chris's dreams now... :D
  • Ok, I'm in. I'm not saying that I can stop EL (I didn't even get close to her last week), but I can't do any worse that you suckers.
  • Looks like another good game shaping up for this week.

    Chris/Justin, if any of your guests are interested, please let me know ASAP. I will need to know very shortly if I need 2 or 3 tables again.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Looks like another good game shaping up for this week.

    Chris/Justin, if any of your guests are interested, please let me know ASAP.  I will need to know very shortly if I need 2 or 3 tables again.

    Well Rick "the chump" is back in the US, Eleanor will have to get in touch with Lil' Chris and find out if he is interested.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    Eleanor will have to get in touch with Lil' Chris and find out if he is interested.

    El getting in touch with Lil' Chris.  I didn't need that visual.  Lets keep it clean folks.  :D
  • ROFLMAO!!! Good one Jeff!! :D

  • El getting in touch with Lil' Chris.  I didn't need that visual.  Lets keep it clean folks.  :D

  • We are running late, please blind us in if we don't make it in time.

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