West Side Poker Club July 23rd Results

For the second time in the history of West Side Poker Club, we have had a double winner, with Cole "Hollywoods" (whom confirmed yesterday he didn't know there was a spell checker on the forum) Woods.  And yes the table broke into laugher when he made his revelation.

We had a strong field of 54 player to start the tournament and by 6:30 pm we had the final table of 9 players.

Seat 1 Stan with 27 500  3rd  350.00
Seat 2 Dave B     19 500  4th  270.00
Seat 3 Eddy11     71 500  7th
Seat 4 Tye         123 000  6th
Seat 5 Blondfish   45 000  2nd 600.00  (looks nothing like his Avatar)
Seat 6 Tim          33 000  9th
Seat 7 Ed            18 500 8th
Seat 8 Hollywoods 87 000  1st 950.00 cash, second ring, entery into tournament of champions
Seat 9 Glen         149 000  5th  130.00

There was 270.00 in bounties with Glen cash out the most.  Six in total. Cole also had 6 bounties.

There was a lot of great play, Cole was all in around 3:30 pm and still manage to win.  Once Glen was eliminated Cole dominated the final 4 guys for his second championship.

A big thanks to all who came out yesterday.  It was a lot fun and we look forward to doing it again next month.

West Side Poker Club


  • Once Glen was eliminated Cole dominated the final 4 guys for his second championship.
    Ummm, I beg to differ. After Cole eliminated Glen, it was me that eliminated the 3rd and 4th place players. I ended up with five bounty chips, second only to Glen. I had the chip lead at the start of heads up. Since I noticed that Cole already had a WSPC ring, I was willing to accept a deal whereby I would get the ring. I did not realize at that time that $400 of the prize pool was allocated to the ring, so I'm glad that I didn't give up my chance to get $350 more cash just for the sake of getting the ring.

    Unfortunately for me during heads up, I made a wrong read that Cole was bluffing on the river and doubled him up. Anyway, congratulations to Cole and thanks to WSPC. Will next month's event be WPT-related, e.g., a higher buy-in to have a first prize of a $10,300 or $1,200 WPT seat?
  • it was a great tourny good final table but long, see ya next month boys and girls

    going for my 3rd ring wooooooow :7d :7h
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