I'm a cowboy, baby...

Last night on Stars I played at a six-player, high-speed $0.50/$1.00 limit table for about two hours. I think I played 179 hands in the two hours. On seven of those 179 hands I was dealt pocket kings. Seven! It was weird.

The first time was a pleasant surprise. On the second, I was like "Hmm, today's my lucky day." By the fifth time, I had come up with names for each King (i.e. Ken, Karl, Kyle, etc). Okay, no I didn't, but it was hands-down the single greatest run of pocket cards I've ever gotten in one game. Of the seven, I think I won 5 hands (at least 4). On the downside, I probably won't see pocket kings for quite a while :)

Have any of you experienced runs like this before?


  • I was once dealt AA five times in a four hour B&M session at Branford. Lost all five hands.

  • I once got AA 3 times in 6 hands. And then QQ shortly there after. I think I only got good action on one of those hands.
  • Other end of the pendulum, slow run of cards, just came out of this week. Been keeping track, hadn't seen kings or aces in 37 hours over 4 B&M sessions. At 35 hands an hour dealt , and a total of 169 different 2 card starting combos, I should have seen them for a total of 15 times. Not once.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    I was once dealt AA five times in a four hour B&M session at Branford. Lost all five hands.


    Heh, that's nothing compared to the run of cards you had in the Tournament today, what was it AA twice, KK twice and QQ twice in a 30 minute period?
  • Ventrick wrote:
    Heh, that's nothing compared to the run of cards you had in the Tournament today, what was it AA twice, KK twice and QQ twice in a 30 minute period?
    And that's only what he showed us.... :)
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