Checking out of turn.

Apologies if this has been posted before.


  • I *believe*...

    His check must stand unless something happens in front of him to change the situation (i.e. your raise) would change this situation, and he is once again able to act as he please.

    Though, I'm not 100% on this.

  • Whitehorse wrote:
    and the guy starts vigorously tapping the table,check check check

    What a great tell!!! Us it to your advantage.

    I know I've done this at home games,(especially when alcohol is involved) and I've always thought that it's your own fault for giving away free info.

  • Ask the dealer; if the dealer is unsure ask the floor. NEVER go by 'what should be right' here because the ruling will vary from casino to casino. IMO I think your opponent, if they checked out of turn, will be binded to passive action only (calling or folding).
  • A lot of dealers don't know the answer to this question either...I believe Dr Tyore is correct on this one though.
  • Just witnessed this exact situation on the European Heads up tourney.   The out of turn checker was given a warning but not limited to passivity in his actions. After checking out of turn his opponent raised ....he then reraised all in (his opponent was absolutely furious).  ...can't remember the names...although one is the young protoge of Marcel Luske....won a EPT title last year Noah Boeken.  Anyway his check did not stand.
  • I have the rules to Lucky Chances Casino in California and it states.

    50 Action out of turn is not binding. (See rule 53 for exception.) Deliberately acting out of turn will not be tolerated, and it may limit a player’s option to check, call or fold.

    53 When a hand is heads up, action out of turn may be binding. If a round of betting begins with only two players in the hand, and:

    a a player checks out of turn, the other player has the option of checking, thereby concluding the action for that round, or betting, in which case the player who checked out of turn can either call or fold, but cannot raise.

    b a player bets out of turn, the other player may call or raise the bet, or make the out-of-turn bettor retract the bet, in which case the betting round starts over as if nothing happened

    Lucky Chances rules are pretty much the same as Robert's Rules, so you can always use them.
  • 800OVER wrote:
    Just witnessed this exact situation on the European Heads up tourney. The out of turn checker was given a warning but not limited to passivity in his actions. After checking out of turn his opponent raised ....he then reraised all in (his opponent was absolutely furious). ...can't remember the names...although one is the young protoge of Marcel Luske....won a EPT title last year Noah Boeken. Anyway his check did not stand.

    I was watching this on TV with my brother, who afterwards sent an email into the sponsoring poker website telling them he'd never play on their site for their complete lack of tact and skill handling the situation.

    Players should severely be penalised for acting out of turn. There is no excuse for doing so. When you don't punish such behaviour, players take advantage of thes rules and start into psychological play. What should have happened is his check should stand, then the opponent should have the option to bet with out being reraised. The player forfit his play in that round of betting and should have no say in the amount of money required to put into play to see the next card or have the hands flipped up.

    In Noah's case he took this as a sign of weakness, when in fact the guy was trying to check raise if i'm not mistaken. Then he came over the top of Noah and got hin to fold. The reasoning behind my views are that if players aren't severly penalised for acting out of turn, they will check knowing they're out of turn to try to plant ideas in their opponents heads. In this case checking perhaps to show weakness when you're holding a monster, betting out of turn to scare your opponent into checking because he thinks you'll then come over the top of him, so now you can check and see a free card.

    The way we handle it in our home tournies, is you get 2 warnings, and after that what ever you bet out of turn is dead money in the pot. If you check out of turn, you cannot raise, or reraise.
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