Eleanor once again won the game last night, a back to back victory, and has increased her lead on the boards by a HUGE margin.

Eleanor dominated the final table last night, quickly piling up our chips early in front of her, her little evil laugh haunting us as she did it. El has had quite the week...after playing in the casino last weekend and being card dead, she took down second place in Monday's game, and now FIRST in ours. She is the first back to back Champion since Tony!! Great job El.

Kris (ACDC) also started to gather chips on the final table (but his laugh isn't nearly as bone chilling as Eleanor's), but once heads up against our powerhouse, he became card dead, and slowly saw his fortune dwindle away. Best game I've seen you play in a long time Kris, good job.

We had three tables going last night, largest player's field ever, and it went off pretty well. Managed to get everyone in the room, and although it was a little cramped, I believe most were fairly comfortable. Brent even showed me some tricks with TD that I didn't know about...thanks Brent.

CHUMP was Rick, whom I believe was ChrisE's guest. I guess somebody had to be...just glad it wasn't me.

Oh, and for the record Max...when you're holding Ace Rag, and preflop bet is like 5xBB, and the flop bet is like 5 or 6X BB...FOLD YOUR DAMN ACE!!! Frigging River Ace!! And we weren't even using the Poker River Stars cards!! :rage:


  • She is the first back to back Champion since Tony!!
    El, you are truly in rare territory here. Congrats.

    Justin, WTF?
  • Ya WTF Justin, after a gave you all my chips to go home to paint, I thought for sure you had 1st place locked.

    Oh well, good game EL. Looks like the bus is going to have to put it into high gear if I'm going have a chance of my name on the plaque again. Or is it going to be EL with the leagues first ever double double, not the mention triple crown. (we could go back to spiking her drinks :D )

    btw, what where the other payouts, and who got 3rd, 4th, bubble?
  • Ummmm.....

    bubble - Justin WTF
    4th - moi
    3rd - Wyndham
    2nd - ACDC
    1st - (Sm)El(ly)
  • What a game last night! I wasn't sure how we were going to fit 3 tables in.... but AJ managed to pull it off!

    My game was pretty unremarkable until we merged to the final table, and then I got a bunch of monsters in a row....and was lucky enough that they didn't get cracked. That is until Wyndham cracked my red aces with a 4-card Queen high flush. Ironic though, because that's exactly how I won the game against Kris (same Queen, too!).

    I guess to get out of the shadow of Tony I'll have to make next week a threepeat, eh? ;)
  • :'(:'(:'(:'(:rage::'(:'(:'(


    Kind Regards
  • Eleanor is almost UNTOUCHABLE!!! Great Game!!

    Only his second game out too...Sorry Rick, but someone HAD to be CHUMP.
  • The El train has been de railed baby...... good game.. Sorry about throwing the tree trunk on the tracks hon..
  • The BUS couldn't do it.........

    The Drunken Newfie Moose couldn't it......

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