Sunday afternoon in guelplh?!

Anyone up for a sunday afternoon tourney in jolly ol' guelph? Let me know and i'll get it in the works!


  • Sorry basketball tourny in Toronto, I should be hosting soon to get myself a game in sooner then later

  • I'd be interested...I'd prefer the buy-in be no higher than $20-25.

    "Ranger" Mike
  • If it runs, the buy in will be the 15..10 plus the 5 dollar it's all good....
    so we currently have this list....

    1. Mark
    2. Haren
    3. Ranger Mike
    4. Miranda
    5. Timmeh
    6. Nadine (Maybe)
    7. Mr. Mina
    8. Jen
  • I can play. Prefer after 2pm.
  • it's looking like we're having a game!
    2pm on sunday will be the start time..if you need directions (ranger mike) give me a PM and i'll send them out!
    Let me know!
  • Stupid family in stupid Aliston. How does one become Estranged from there family anyway?
  • I will play, I am a friend of Miranda and will get directions from her.
  • Quiane,

    Please PM me the directions to your place...thanks!

    Ranger Mike
  • What happened, seems like there was a bunch of new blood in the game!!

  • Final three was Jen, Miranda, and me. I was chip leader but Jen was close, and when my A9 lost to her AK, I was crippled (900 left, BB was 800) and lost on the next hand.

    Jen then went on to beat Miranda heads-up for the win.

    There were a lot of suck-outs on the river in this game. A couple I recall: Haren was all-in with 22 vs Nadine's KK and Haren caught a 2 on the river, after just being beat by a set of 2s a few hands earlier. Later, Miranda had bottom 2 pair against Jen's single pair and lost when the river paired the board, giving Jen a larger two pair. OK, is it just me or did that somehow sound naughty? :D

    I had a great time, it is a fun group to play with!

  • No way man all those Guelph players are SNAKES.
    Just kidding.
    River Mike
  • lol...
    not as much as that "Ranger" mike guy....hits his 2 outer to trip his tens..that was on the turn tho i think?

    Nah, it was a good game lots of blood is welcome any time..and old blood too (i'm talking to YOU big mike! and cowboy mike..and sandro mike....)
  • Hey I need to get back in, only two or three more classes on thursday left then I'm back baby, And hey if there is a weekend game this weekend I'm in like flint!!!


    PS. a game in guelph with suckouts....that never happens, the only thing i was suprised at was that rivermike was not included in the suckout list.

    pss. say hi to your sister river for me.
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