Game 5 shaping up to be another GREAT game!!

This is the current player's list for Game 5 this Thursday.  As you can see, there are only a few spots left open.  If you want in, you better get in soon.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-14 15:41:09
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-14 22:59:53
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-15 06:52:01
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-15 09:05:29
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-15 12:29:01
AcidJoe - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-15 15:16:44
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-17 07:27:25
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-17 07:54:41
TheMadRussian - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-17 07:57:08
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-17 09:48:33
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-17 15:24:06
GutWagonMaster -  Seat Reserved  -  verbal
BigGus         -  Seat Reserved     -verbal
Steve   -  Seat Reserved     - via posting
ACDC -  Seat Reserved -  2006-07-18 06:35:10
TheBusDriver  -  Seat Reserved  -  but ONLY if he has finished ALL the painting!!!
LiLChris  -  Seat Reserved  -  via email
MarciNoE - Seat Reserved  -  via email
Prophet22  -  Seat Reserved  - via posting
Rick - Seat Reserved - via posting
Blazin72 - Seat Reserved - PENDING

Eleanor has a very nice lead on the points and money board.  And that alone makes her dangerous!!  She's going to fight off all comers to the bitter end! 


  • Can you add Stephen to the list. He is in this week.

  • Umm... can I play? :'(
  • Oh, alright then, you can play.

    But you MUST behave yourself!
  • We are at MAXIMUM CAPACITY!!! Actually, we are heavy by one, but I'll arrange it somehow, just be a tighter fit at the smaller table.

    If anyone else wants to join, they will be put on the waiting list above. Should I get a cancellation before 7pm tonight, I will do my best to get in contact with you to inform you of the opening, so if you want on the list, please PM me your phone number.

    I strongly urge all players to be on time tonight. Cards will fly at 8pm, and you will be blinded in until your arrival. If you are a no show at the third round of blinds, your chips will be removed from the table.

    This is the largest field of players to date. I LOVE IT!! :D But you know it's going to be a tight fit, and with the weather being like it has been, and no AC, it's going to be warm.

    Justin, I think you and I should discuss this alternative venue you suggested. I love the way this league is headed, and as such, we may need to consider a larger place to hold the games.

    See everyone tonight!!! :D
  • 18!!!!!!

    Don't worry....I'll try and bust some people out early (like myself) to free up space. I'm thinking we should pool our money together for an air conditioner fund.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    Don't worry....I'll try and bust some people out early (like myself) to free up space. I'm thinking we should pool our money together for an air conditioner fund.

    Any luck with the water cooled bubble suit? If not, it might be shirts versus skins tonight!~!
  • I'm a SKIN!!! :D (talk about a Table Image!!)

    We COULD go three tables of 6 and use the patio table on the veranda until we get a bust out. It's an option, just means a few of us play outside for abit. Might actually be abit cooler anyway.

    Worse case scenario...the rain barrel is FULL!! :D
  • AJ

    I can make it out for this game if you have room. PM me the directions and let me know if it is possible. What time does it start. Would need to leave by 6:30 pm for an 8:00 start.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • If you are going to 3 tables, by all means get Brent in there! The extra dead money is always nice. :D
  • Trying to fit Brent in could be a fun...... I guess I'll have to cancel to make room for him ..... LOL. Naw I have to catch up to El since she's had a few games on me. This one looks interesting. I guess I gotta get there early to get a good seat. I'll play outside I have no problems with that.
  • Okay, let's try the three table game tonight!!  Brent, YOU'RE IN!!!  What about Cam...we have room for him too.

    This will mean that we will have 2 tables of 6 and one of 7 players, until we get a couple of busts out.

    Eleanor and Chris, could you possible bring a couple more chairs with you tonight?  We will most likely need them, especially since the BBQ incident :rage:

    This ALSO means there are still a couple of seats available for tonight's game.  If you're lookign to play, call me, post here, email me...I'll get you in!!

  • I can bring chairs how many do you need? Let me know. Now to get out of work to mentally prepare myself. OMG, what a game this one will be.

    Tuesday was Aimee's B day maybe I can carry on with the B day luck :)
  • Joe, if you could bring 3 or 4 that SHOULD do it, unless we get more people interested in playing. Thanks bro!!

    This is shaping up to be QUITE the game indeed!!! The points tonight are going to be HUGE!! Oh, and I guess the prize pool will be pretty good too.
  • Are you going to run 3 tables because I know of one more that may be interested?
  • At what point do we go to a 4th person getting paid? (This should be of great interest to Derek)
  • Yes, I WILL have three tables, so there ARE a few new seats added.  Let me know if you get any more interest in the game, I'll add them to the list.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    At what point do we go to a 4th person getting paid? (This should be of great interest to Derek)

    Great which I really don't have an answer for yet. This game is surprising me, and forcing me to rethink in alot of ways. I would like to pay out 4th, but it should be buyin +$10 or $20 bucks, so I will have to redo the math and see where the breakdown will fall. Greg, Brent, if either of you have a suggestion or recommendation, I'm all ears. I know Brent should be able to point me in the right direction.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Great which I really don't have an answer for yet.  This game is surprising me, and forcing me to rethink in alot of ways.  I would like to pay out 4th, but it should be buyin +$10 or $20 bucks, so I will have to redo the math and see where the breakdown will fall.  Greg, Brent, if either of you have a suggestion or recommendation, I'm all ears.  I know Brent should be able to point me in the right direction.


    so with 20 people it would be


    With this many people it is going to be a long game.
  • Thanks for the breakdown Chris.

    So if we get 20 people, we will use the above breakdown and payout 4th place.
  • Given how new people seem to do well, Brent can I buy some of you? LOL. maybe 10% would do....... just don't expect any soft play from me.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Given how new people seem to do well, Brent can I buy some of you?   LOL.  maybe 10% would do....... just don't expect any soft play from me. 


    I had a guy pay 50% of my entry last night and I took second.

    AJ, Chris has a good handle on the prize pool break down. I hae't heard from Cam yet.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Can you add one more AJ?

    Rick; who came to game 8 last season, wants in.
  • How did the game go

  • Brent and I played a few HU SNG;s..... Let's just say the point leader got an even larger lead now.

    Thanks AJ, another great night.
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