AA UTG...Limp or Raise?
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I couldn't really find a satisfactory response.
Being dealt AA utg, what's it better to do? Limp in, or put in a small raise?
I'm at a 1/2 NL table, and my image is loose/aggressive/aggressive. I've managed to steal some small pots so far, and everytime I'm taken to the river, I show down a winning hand. I'm sure the players at the table consider me a decent player, as when I do raise, I seem to get alot of respect.
So I'm dealt AA utg, and for a second or two, I hesitate...not sure what to do. I don't want to come in huge to scare away everyone, but I don't want to limp in either and earn a zero pot. Usually get 3 or 4 in a raise preflop anyway. This particular time, I raised 3xbb and only get one caller. Flop comes up all low cards, rainbow, no connections. I throw out another 3xbb bet, and get an immediate fold.
What's your opinion on playing this hand for making as much as possible with this hand utg?? Should I be satisfied just taking down a small pot, or should I slow play them and keep everyone in the hand?
Being dealt AA utg, what's it better to do? Limp in, or put in a small raise?
I'm at a 1/2 NL table, and my image is loose/aggressive/aggressive. I've managed to steal some small pots so far, and everytime I'm taken to the river, I show down a winning hand. I'm sure the players at the table consider me a decent player, as when I do raise, I seem to get alot of respect.
So I'm dealt AA utg, and for a second or two, I hesitate...not sure what to do. I don't want to come in huge to scare away everyone, but I don't want to limp in either and earn a zero pot. Usually get 3 or 4 in a raise preflop anyway. This particular time, I raised 3xbb and only get one caller. Flop comes up all low cards, rainbow, no connections. I throw out another 3xbb bet, and get an immediate fold.
What's your opinion on playing this hand for making as much as possible with this hand utg?? Should I be satisfied just taking down a small pot, or should I slow play them and keep everyone in the hand?
I'd only limp if I was sure someone would raise behind me. You don't want someone to outflop you for free, especially in a 6-way pot. That said, I would do what I would do with a "normal" hand in MP, say ATo or 88.
Maybe you should have checked the flop to let him catch up? I relize that's a risky play, being that you might get sucked out on.
I think you played the hand correctly. Remember, it's better to win a small pot now, rather than lose a big one later.
Nice hand.
Actually, I DID consider that briefly. But I wouldn't have gotten ANY callers, unless they had KK or AK, and I wanted some action on this hand. I was 2x my buyin at this point, and abit better than average stack. Didn't think a push was warranted here, or profitable.
AA isn't USUALLY (note above COMPLETE donkey comment) a hand you can stack someone with postflop, it's a hand that GETS stacked postflop by hands that got let in cheap by someone limping with AA.
Don't sweat it, though. You made 4.5bb on the hand. Better than losing 60bb.
I would have played it the same.
In my opinion, the two statements I have highlighted in bold from your original post are contradictory.
Unless you are playing at the tightest table ever, where any raise gets a lot of respect, if a LAG raises he doesn't usually get so much respect.
So make a slightly larger than normal raise (4BB if you usually go 3BB). Your ideal situation is then to get re-raised and then you can push (or at least that's my ideal situation).
If you get flat called by one or two players you need to show strength on the flop and find out if anyone outflopped you. Note: if they outflopped you hard, they will probably just call your flop bet... then it is time to slow down.
If your pre-flop raise is called by more than two players you better be prepared to throw away your hand (unimproved obviously) if anyone shows significant strength post-flop.
I think the most important thing to remember is that you've only got a pair AND you are out of position.
Yes, be satisfied taking down a small pot. This is why...
The reason for my first post in this thread... my other opinion is that you haven't had your aces cracked enough yet