BB Set

BCC 20/40 Semi-tough afternoon lineup with a few soft players.

EP liimps, MP limps, SB completes and I knuckle with 4d4c. 2BB in the pot.

Flop is good news and bad news.  Kc4d7c.

Sb checks, I bet, EP calls, MP folds and SB calls.  Three of us see the turn with 3.5BB in the pot.

Turn is Tc.  SB bets out.  He's a decent player who knows how to extract value out of hands and bet on opponent weakness -- his biggest skills  (hand value and hand selection are very poor for him).  The other player behind me is a typical loose passive.

I should.....?



  • Blah. Online I'd tend to raise but most live players seem to be less aggressive and bluff less, and the pot isn't all that big that we need to go crazy trying to protect it. So I think a call is fine here and hope the LP calls behind you drawing dead or something. If LP calls then I'm just calling a river bet if a non-club falls going for the overcall. If LP folds and a non-club comes it's worth considering a raise for value if you read him as weak and you think he'll pay off with a king, planning to fold if he 3-bets. If a club rivers I'm folding 3 ways and making a crying call HU.
  • imo,

    raise turn and call SB's reraise if applicable. (LP will prolly fold to your raise unless he's slowplaying.)

    (assuming the game goes to 5th street) if SB leads it, if he checks, bet it.

    edit: and obviously if a fourth club peels the river I'm laying it down.
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