Game 4 Player's list

This game is filling up fast...if you're interested in playing, let me know ASAP.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 07:38:45
EASY- Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 08:02:02
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 08:54:22
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 11:32:03
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 11:34:41
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-08 12:18:03
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-10 06:48:53
FishBoy - Seat Reserved -2006-07-10 08:58:31
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-10 09:27:52
TheMadRussian - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-10 11:27:25
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved - via verbal
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via verbal
KoKerr - Seat Reserved - 2006-07-10 17:51:01
AcidJoesHoe - Seat Reserved - via posting
LilChris - Seat Reserved - via posting
Marci - Seat Reserved - via posting


  • Speaking of PAIN.... in? Or you still have to finish painting??
  • I am in.. If that is ok... Joe may not be able to make it.. But I would like to play again I had lots of fun last time.. Please let me know if there is room

  • You're IN Amiee. Let me know soon about Joe, as seats are filling quickly!!!
  • hehehehe

    I'm getting the hang of this Moderator stuff!!!!

    I can delete topics....warn members...give 'time outs'...even BAN THEM FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!! well, maybe not quite, but enough for them not to bother us again!

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Speaking of PAIN.... in?  Or you still have to finish painting??

    Inside is done, but now it's on to exterior paint :'(

    If you guys would come and help, I would have been done long ago. :rage:
  • Let me think poker....or paint a house......tough decision :D
  • Still some last minute seating available. If you're interested in playing, either post or PM me before 6pm tonight to reserve your seat.

    See everyone tonight!!
  • if there's still room, LilChris & Marci are IN!
  • They're IN!!
  • Remember everyone...NO AIR CONDITIONING!!! Just like a West Side Poker Game :D

    Dress accordingly!!
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