Question re Elgin Invitational Poker Classic?

Remember this from last year? I just received an email saying Final Notice to register. It gives you a link to request an invitation. The web link says that it is free but when you follow the links to request the invitation you seem to be required to pay $25. by credit card. Has anyone else received this. I played last year and it was a lot of fun. Would play again but not for $25. for no prize money.

As an aside, here is the web link..


  • I played in this event as well and it is set up pretty much the same as last year. If you read it carefully it states very clearly that the prize pool will be based on sponsorships. So for a $25 sponsorship you have gained entry into the tournament.
  • So you can "Sponsor" youself for $25 or you can try for the draw. :D

    I guess so long as all the "Sponsorship" money gets paid out, I don't think any laws are being violated.

    I may actually sponsor myself or maybe collect pledges from friends :D.

  • According to they paid of 6500 in prize $$$.

    or did they do something like only pay top 5???

  • I played in it last year, and there are a few changes that will make it more lucrative. Last year, they didn't get a lot of sponsorships, so they gave away a lots of tickets to Quai du Vin events, and hats and shirts, etc. Stuff i won basically worked out to $80, which isn't bad for 16th. Two poker tables were also given away as prizes, retailing for $1000 a piece.]

    This year the sponsorships will be better, and have heard that all sponsorships are going towards prizes. Plus, playing in a live tournament of that size is a great experience!
  • looks like you have to provide a credit card number even for the free chance at an invitiation... I guess they are legit and won't charge you the $25 for the free entry (hopefully).
  • looks like you have to provide a credit card number even for the free chance at an invitiation... I guess they are legit and won't charge you the $25 for the free entry (hopefully).

    There is no question that he is legit. Rob Q (the owner) is a very nice guy and put on a good tournament last year. I am quite sure that this year's event will be even better.

    There were several forum members who participated. It would be nice to hear what they thought of last years event.

    I played in it last year and played at the same table with one of the forum members. I can't remember his name but he kept everyboody at the table loose and liked to joke around as we played. Although I had to leave around 4pm of the first day to attend a wedding I really enjoyed the tournament. We played outdoors under a huge white tent. Witchdoctor was peddling his wares and everybody received a gift bag. Sandwiches and refreshments were available as well at reasonable rates.

    I hope to meet a few members at this years event as well.
  • I will definitley vouch for this being an A-1 event. It was very well run and the owner of the winery is a super great guy. If anyone has any questions, just e-mail him and he should get back to you promptly. He also goes my the name "qdv" here on the forum.
  • i played in last years, won't be there this year because of a wedding.

    I thought that it was won beautifully, the grounds are nice, the set up is good, and considering that last year was his first tourney ever, I think it went really smoothly.

    I recommend it to anyone who wants to play in a deep field tourney.

    WEstside's tourney's still rule the school though.
  • I got the email below today. You need to pay a buy-in of $25 to guarantee yourself an invitation.
    The Elgin Invitational Poker Classic deadline is coming to a close.

    You have requested an invitation to the event.
    Currently there are only twelve (12) seats remaining.
    Those seats will be awarded by lottery among those of you requesting an invitation. The draw will take place Sunday, July 23, 2006 and successful candidates will be notified Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 5:00 pm. Good Luck!

    In order to guarantee yourself a seat, you may want to change your status from "Invitation Request" to "Sponsorship". This can be done by simply going to and ordering a Sponsorship. Full details are available at .
  • Who else in the forum is going to this two-day tournament starting on Sunday at 10 AM?  I think the prize pool will be over $3,800.

    Since I hope to make it to Day 2, I will probably stay overnight in a hotel.  To those that went last year, what is there to see or do in the St. Thomas area?
  • I just got back from the second day of the second annual Elgin Invitational Poker Classic. Just like the reviews from last year, it was again a lot of fun and well run. I can post a more complete report when I have time later if anybody is interested.

    The top 40 from the first day went on to the second day. I was in the top 15 in chips, with the top 20 getting prizes. With the blinds restarting at 100/200 on the second day, I steadily built my starting stack of 93,000 chips to over 120,000 at the 1000/2000 blind level. With still 37 players in the tournament, I was now in the top 8 in chips....
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