Heads up challenge for bristol turny

just wondering , since ranger cant make it tommrow to play me , and shannon aggrees i challenge him tommrow for the first round of the tury he can come down where ranger should be and ranger will go up where shannon is , and play nicole :rage: come on just bring it shannon. come on shannon its time to bite the hook to the legend killer :fish: :7d :7s


  • cole woods wrote:
    just wondering , since ranger cant make it tommrow to play me , and shannon aggrees i challenge him tommrow for the first round of the tury he can come down where ranger should be and ranger will go up where shannon is , and play nicole :rage: come on just bring it shannon. come on shannon its time to bite the hook to the legend killer :fish: :7d :7s
    I doubt Zithal will allow this, but I'll "officially" lodge a protest anyway. You 2 can play HU anytime you want, but as far as the Bristol HU challenge goes, the RANDOM seedings have already been made and should not be changed for any reason.
  • well  wat if me and ranger cant ever agree on a date cus i can only make it this tuesday ,  and he cant, because iam coming with my freind cus he plays tommrow soo i gotta find someone to play tommrow i live far away.
  • soory gotta work tommorow.
  • Cole...

    You signed up for a tournament that was clearly defined and had the expectations outlined. If you can't make it, you shouldn't have signed up. Besides, you knew there was more than just one round, you're saying you'll never be able to make it out? Just make it happen, hell, hold it online if you have to.

  • ok tonight ranger me vs u online lets do it lol, sucks tho really wanted to play tommrow i cant wait any longer
  • Cole, I'm coming from a lot further that you. If I can organize playing you guys should be able to. I'm 100% behind beanie, if Zithal allows it I'm protesting. The whole purpose of a random seating draw is to not provide anyone with unfair advantage over anyone else.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    if Zithal allows it I'm protesting
    Although that's a BIG if, as anyone who knows Rob will attest to. Besides, he'd probably make you complete a spell-testing question first...
  • beanie42 wrote:
    AcidJoe wrote:
    if Zithal allows it I'm protesting
    Although that's a BIG if, as anyone who knows Rob will attest to.  Besides, he'd probably make you complete a spell-testing question first...

    Beanie that is wrong.

  • I was wondering what a turny was anyways. The opposite of stratey?
  • Cole,

    Find a date/time that works for you, your Mom and Mike. Or just forfeit.
  • This may just rank as dumbest thread ever.
  • Hey Cole,

    So are you and Eddy still coming in tomorrow, or should I not bother heading to Rob's place?
  • Cole,

    I PMd you last night to let you know that I can make it to Rob's but not until about 10:45 due to other commitments. If you can't stay late I am more than willing to setup another time. PM me or post if you'll be there tonight.

    I agree with Trevor: we should not change pairings as the random draw was part of the original commitment to this event.

    Ranger Mike
  • moose wrote:
    I was wondering what a turny was anyways.  The opposite of stratey?

    Maybe it's cuz I'm reading this so early in the morning, but it took me a minute to figure out if this was supposed to be stratey as in "going in one direction" or stratey as in "spelled strategy incorrectly (it is a Cole post).

    I figured it out when I realized that if it was meant to be strategy, it was only somewhat misspelled, and could have been a typo, so it must have been the other option.

  • There are to be no changes to the drawing. Cole, there are upwards of 6-7 matches that you'll need to arrange a time for. I'm expecting the first round matches to take a while due to the sheer number of people playing. Ideally, I'd like the first two round complete by the 21st, so that gives you plenty of time to find another day to play.

    If you truly can "only make it this Tuesday" then there really is no point having you continue on. With this format, I need the players to be a little more flexable than usual.

    If you cannot be flexable and arrange another time, please let me know and I'll remove you from the tournament.
  • BTW.... If tonight at 10:45 is ok for both players (and I know it is for Mike), I'm good with the game going on then.

  • tonight

    hollywoods vs ranger 10:45

    eddy vs diddy 9:30 zithal let diddy and ranger know
  • Excellent. Please lock this thread so that it floats off the main page. Two threads is more than enough for the "turny"
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