Some 20 40 hands, minor mistakes and questionable plays

A few small mistakes and questionable plays in the session, but no major mistakes. Here they are.

1. Questionable situation one. I'm in LP with black 44 and it is limped to me as a family, I call and we see the flop 11handed! Flop J65 with 2 spades, giving me 2 outs that don't bring a flush but bring a straight. SB bets and I think everyone calls to me, so there are roughly 9-10bb in the pot. I have proper odds to draw to the two remaining red fours and with only 2 players to act behind me and everyone coming along, the odds of a raise behind me is slim. I think for 10 seconds or so and muck telling myself that a larger set or 65 could already be out there and hitting my set could obviously make a made straight, killling some action to my redraw. At the least, with everyone coming along for the ride some of my ten redraw outs must be dead, so I fold a $400 pot for $20, of which I had only invested $20. The button ends-up raising, and I lost track of the rest of the flop action. The turn is a 9 and the river an 8. So, the board is J5698 rainbow. Player on my right had check-raised the turn after it was checked to the flp raiser who bet the turn with the sb coming along. I put him on 78, as did the other 2 I guess. He bets the river and the other 2 fold to a single bet into a $700+ pot. He flips A8 suited, missing his flush draw and hitting a pair of 8s on the river. Button says he folded KK. What a horrid, horrid fold for a single bet on the river. You do the math. I should have probably come along for one more bet on the flop.

2. Questionable situation two. Same scenario as the next hand in the series (sorry, I wrote these out of order), but I'm in my small blind with K7o. I usually call just about anything here, but I don't want to hit a king and not be able to play it for value against the donators, so I fold and see a K9x flop which is checked around. Final board of K9xJx rainbow. BB bets A9 on the turn and checks the river and wins a small pot against one of the donators.

3. Small mistake one. One donator is 5 to my left or 5 to my right, so I don't get to manipulate him all too often, the other two to my right. I'm on the button and both donators are the only ones in the pot. I see Q8 suited and decide that I have so much pot-flop equity against these calling-stations that I limp along as do the blinds. KTx rainbow and I check-fold. Now the purpose of having these donators in the game is to have them pay-off your top pair decent kicker, not to be drawing against them. Only cost me $20, but the fact that I was dying to play against these 2 let me make a bad call.

4. Small mistake two. UTG calls, I call with ATs diamonds in UTG+2 (table is playing fairly passive preflop), guy three to my left who loves raising his middle pairs preflop raises and I the donator on my right comes along. Beautiful flop of A74 with a 4 flush for me. I'm not crazy about my kicker, but I love my draw. Check to me and I bet the the flop to see if there's any strength out there. (I'm also not giving the guy (preflop raiser) who spiked an 8 on my queens on a previous turn a free card to his set). Preflop raiser just calls as does donator. UTG folds. Turn is a blank and I check and so do the other 2 -- against Mr. pocket-pair and the donator who would call any ace, I should have bet for value. I think the pocket-pair would have folded, but I lost $40 from the donator. River makes the board A74x4 and the BB (donator) bets out. I I literally think for 20 seconds -- call/raise? call/raise? call/raise? -- I decide to call to try and get an overcall from the pocket pair and I have a smidgen of fear that the BB has the 4. Pocket pair folds saying he had a pocket pair. I win against the donator's A6o. A raise on the river was the right move. I likely lost $80 easy profit in that hand.

5. Bad mistake one (and only). The far-off donator limps in EP and 2 to 3 more limp to my sb where I have KJs, I call. Flop KTx rainbow. I bet, donator calls, all else fold. I know he can call with a ten here. Turn ten, copleting nothing put a draw to a ten. I check and he bets...sirens screaming in my head -- the calling station just bet out for the first time almost ever, he has the ten, he has the ten, hello, hello TENTENTEN -- pot is small and I have only invested $30. I call? River blank, I check he bets -- arooooooohah, aroooooooohah, he has the ten! I call. He turns over QTo. Nice play Dave. At 20 40 that's $80 being stubborn. Almost a stack of red shifted to the donkey, nice move. I hate paying-off horrid players.

So, overall I lost or didn't gain roughly $160 making a few mistakes. A good session none the less.


  • 1) I play it the same. I guess if you're sure EVERYONE called and you were closing the action it may be tempting, but as you said, your 2 outer is a little dirty with the straight draw.

    2) I muck that junk preflop as well in SB.

    3) Q8s is pretty marginal, but with 2 bad limpers in ahead and on the button, I think it's borderline playable. Easy muck on the flop.

    4) I'd raise preflop. Limping to encourage multiway action isn't horrible though. Flop, I don't mind leading to see if you're up against a bigger ace, but I don't mind check raising the field for value either. Depends on what you think of pfr and whether he'll continuation bet there with out an A. When you get called though, I'm assuming you have the best hand (and best draw). I bet the turn and river. Given that you checked the turn and then donkey leads river when BP pairs, I think I flat call. A moron could easily have called with bottom pair. You almost certainly have the guy behind you beat, so going for an overcall isn't bad IMO.

    5)I'd raise preflop for value. Bet flop, bet/fold turn (barring a read that your opponent will bluff turn scare cards) LP donkeys are peeling the flop there with any pair, an Ace, a gutshot, etc. I'm not giving a hand like Q9, Ax, J9 a free card there. Once you check you put yourself in an odd spot since you'll induce a bluff or a bet from a weak king (or small pair). Assuming he's passive, you'll have a much better idea where you stand by simply betting out, while giving gutshots and naked aces a bad price to chase, as well as getting value from weak kings and crap like bottom pair.
  • 1. I think the fold is correct for the reasons you gave.
    2. I would complete but I'm not confident it's correct.
    3. Just fold, you want to pound away for value against these guys but you won't flop much that you can be confident is best with that hand.
    4. I think limping that far out of position preflop is fine. I would go for a CR on the flop if you can count on the preflop raiser betting here. If he's not the type to autobet then leading is fine but you risk him raising and shutting out the field. Bet the turn and river for value.
    5. I would just call preflop also. Bet the turn and fold to a raise, you get value from worse kings and draws and can fold with confidence when he raises, whereas when you check and he bets you don't know where you are, and you lose value when he checks behind.
  • 1 : This is a very close one. Due to the fact that 78 or 23 or even a higher set could bet out there I think it swings it to a solid fold but also if a 3 hits on the turn you now have an 8 or 10 out draw, depending, so it's close either way.

    2 : I fold that all day in a 2/4 structure

    3 : I think it would be a pretty big mistake to fold this preflop ASSUMING the donators are the real bad call with any pair / an ace to the river / generally spew postflop and their preflop standards are atleast 50% of their hands dealt preflop.

    4 : At a very bad table I think this is a raise preflop but limping is fine too. The turn is pretty much a bet against any player and definitely a bet against a calling station. The river is close between raise and call.

    5 : I think you played this one fine, although bet folding and check folding the turn are both options. It is important to use your reads to help you play but I pretty much NEVER fold top pair heads up. Even calling station fish will show some random stuff down.
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