Hamilton area clubs or home games?

Hey all, A friend of mine just moved to the Hamilton area. I told him I would ask around to see if there was somewhere he can play nearby. So, does anyone know of any semi regular home games? OR, is there any clubs in town?

Thanks for your help.



  • Sorry to do this, but here's a "bump", hoping for a reply, but I don't think this thread will be noticed on page 3 or 4.

  • I just moved to stoney creek myself, and I have found one bar which has a charity game once a week, and I've learned of a place in hamilton which hosts a good sized tourney every monday, wed, and friday. Apparantly they get 100+ players, its a $20 entry. (I have yet to attend).

    BUT.....is it not the rules here at this forum to NOT post info regarding home games without the express consent of the host?

    pm i guess if you want details.....
  • SuperBad wrote:
    BUT.....is it not the rules here at this forum to NOT post info regarding home games without the express consent of the host?

    True, but I guess i was hoping one of the hosts would reply, or that there was a club or something that i hadn't read about myself that someone might point me towards.  Your offer of PM'd details is appreciated.  I will contact you soon.

  • if you guys are willing to drive to guelph, i'm more than happy to host more players! but unfortunatly i can't host closer to hamilton! :)
  • Quiane wrote:
    if you guys are willing to drive to Guelph, I'm more than happy to host more players! but unfortunately i can't host closer to Hamilton! :)

    He is willing to drive to this area on weekends and stuff, but he also wants somewhere to play close to home. Thanks for the offer though.

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