Dead Man's Chest a great watch!!

After considerable pressure from my wife and daughter, we all went out last night to watch the debut of PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN; DEAD MAN'S CHEST. Glad we went too.

Depp's character is still an incredible mixture of villiany and heroism, and it's obvious just how much he enjoys bringing Capt. Jack Sparrow to life. All the best characters from the first movie have returned, even the two low level misfit pirates, one still more concern about his one eye than finding treasure. Both still bring a nice comedy tone to the entire picture.

The special effects and CGI is amazing. The costumes and makeup for Davy Jones and his crew is incredibly detailed, and looks amazingly real, although, I would warn taking young children to see as it can be quite frightening for a child (my daughter, the little goth that she is, throughly loved it though). And the scenes of the Flying Dutchman diving and resurfacing are simply wonderful effects as well.

The story can be somewhat disconnected, and since there will be third one, you may find it asks more questions than it answers, but apparently all will be revealed in the third installment. However, complex story line aside, the special effects and comedy scenes themselves more than make it worth the investment of watching it on the big screen vs home dvd or video. Wife wants to see it again on big screen to ensure she didn't miss anything, and I, not usually interested in watching the same movie twice at theatre prices, have agreed as well.

The ending to the second part is a real shocker and completely unexpected, but it leads into the third story very well, and I'm sure the last character you see on the screen in this second installment will make you scratching your head and wondering just where the hell is this going. As any good second chapter of a triology should, it makes you beg for the next installment...but you have to wait a year for it.


  • Keith Richards is in this no?
  • Also, great review...very professional haha. I thought I was reading a newspaper.
  • No, Keith Richards in NOT in this chapter. However, right at the end, you would of sworn he was coming down those stairs...but who it ACTUALLY IS...........IS.............

    You'll just have to watch the movie :D

    Thanks Haddon, for the compliment. Tried to inspire interest and excitement without giving away too much.

    It's well worth theatre pricing to go see, and it demands BIG SCREEN viewing at least for the first time.
  • OH, best line in the movie, in MY opinion....

    When Elizabeth boards the Black Pearl and Capt Jack first glimpses her, he turns to his crew chief and says...

    "Hide the RUM" I laughed for 10mins!!
  • Too bad I thought Keith played his father...shitty.

    I am going on Monday I think. Will report, with much less detail than you, my findings.
  • haddon wrote:
    Too bad I thought Keith played his father...shitty.

    Apparently, Keith makes his movie debut in the third installment, coming out NEXT summer.
  • God knows he won't be dead by then.
  • They filmed the two movies together, so he's already in it.
  • I watched the movie last night as well. I will say I'm confused. I might have to re-watch the first one, and then the second one again. Other than that, good movie.
  • TiMSuM wrote:
    I will say I'm confused. I might have to re-watch the first one, and then the second one again. Other than that, good movie.

    Confused about the mixing story plots throughout the movie? Or the ending? The muliple plots were confusing, but you can see the connections throughout, but that ending was something else. I can't wait for the third chapter, and they better have a convincing argument for that ending to be the way it is.
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