Well, we had to give him SOME kind of birthday gift, didn't we??

AcidJoe took down first place tonight, but I did my best to make him work for it.  Felt pretty good with my A6o against his 72s...but a 2 on the turn, and no help for me gave him the victory tonight.  Great game Joe...especially considering how short stacked you were going into the final table.

Joe and I tossed the chip lead between us a few times, but I managed to hang on to second place tonight.  ACDC took third for his first money finish in quite some time. 

Great to see Joe and Amiee out tonight, and also to EASY..btw, I have your button here!!

Tonight was also a new record for the fastest CHUMP OUT...Igor, TheMadRussian, busted out in 7min9secs into the first round of blinds when his trip queens got beaten by Max's boat of queens over jacks.  That's going to be a tough record to beat I think.

Great game to everyone tonight.  Thanks for coming out, and hope to see you all again very soon.


New CHUMP Record Holder...should look happier, shouldn't he?


  • Thanks AJ, great game.  We enjoyed it and will be back.  BTW what did you have in that hand where I raised,  U re raised, and I pushed.  You made a large fold that I didn't think you were going to make.  I told Aimee what I had on the drive home so will post it too. 

    And on the pic AJ you list it as 7 2 off but it was suited in hearts.... :).
  • Great to have you both come out to the game, Joe. Birthday or not, I wasn't going to let you take the win without a fight! :rage: You played a great game as usual.

    I'll PM you that hand. Thought about it all night long too, maybe I should have called you, but for some reason, I had you on a solid pair.
  • :ah :ac vs. :qs :qh :'(

    Stupid Flush.

    Good game last night.....every one wanted to see how it turned out so we all hung around. It seemed that you couldn't lose last night Joe. It was good to get some new faces out again and hope they keep coming back. Yeah AJ I would love to know what you had on that hand too because I was sure you were moving in with that one.

    Stupid Flush........
  • Congrats Joe!

    Fun game last night....it was awesome having other women at the game. I think AJ was afraid of us, which is why he sat us all together in a row...and not at his table ;)

    Chris...can we get an update on how Igor got home?
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Chris...can we get an update on how Igor got home?

    He walked to the City Centre, took the GO bus to Yorkdale and then took the subway home. He said he got home shortly after 10.
  • Boy, I'll bet that busride was a long one for him! :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    :ah :ac  vs.   :qs :qh    :'(

    Stupid Flush.

    Good game last night.....every one wanted to see how it turned out so we all hung around. It seemed that you couldn't lose last night Joe.  It was good to get some new faces out again and hope they keep coming back. Yeah AJ I would love to know what you had on that hand too because I was sure you were moving in with that one.

    Stupid Flush........

    It was a good game (and not just cuz I won). I was sure he was going to move in too... I won't tell you what either of us had but AJ was 54 % ahead in the hand we have discussed it afterwards. Also 3 double ups in 5 hands when short chipped does wonders for the stack. I was told this was a quiet passive game but holy $hit batman, the all in's on the early blind levels were amazing. AJ was quite tough heads up, and this was only the 2nd time I've played against him, 1st was royal cup warm ups, and his play is remarkably different than that time. Yes AJ for the better. Thank god I'm aggressive by nature with chips otherwise the outcome may have been a lot different.

    While not sorry, I know it sucks to lose with AA. By the river I had a ton of outs, any J gave me the straight, any spade gave me the flush. You hit your set with AA you should be golden. At least is wasn't some of the suckouts I tried with 9 3 of spades and my eventual one 7 2 hearts. QQ is a strong hand that found one of 2 better but found a way to win. I will be out as I have to get 4 appearances in for the tourney of champions, and I think Aimee will be out more than me.

    It was nice to play against real poker players and not a bunch of drunks in a bar (which is how I get my live fix somtimes).

    Now to take down the WSOP satelite tomorrow. :)
  • Congrats and Happy Birthday!!
  • Now to take down the WSOP satelite tomorrow.  :)

    Congratulations Joe but I think I will have to take it away from you. :D:D:D
  • AcidJoe wrote:

    While not sorry, I know it sucks to lose with AA.  By the river I had a ton of outs, any J gave me the straight, any spade gave me the flush.  You hit your set with AA you should be golden.   At least is wasn't some of the suckouts I tried with 9 3 of spades and my eventual one 7 2 hearts.  QQ is a strong hand that found one of 2 better but found a way to win.  I will be out as I have to get 4 appearances in for the tourney of champions, and I think Aimee will be out more than me. 

    It was nice to play against real poker players and not a bunch of drunks in a bar (which is how I get my live fix somtimes). 

    Now to take down the WSOP satelite tomorrow.  :)

    The flop was a real strong flop (9-10-K or something like that) for you on the AA vs. QQ and with 2 Spades. So as soon as I saw the flop I knew my aces weren't that strong. When the A of spades fell in the turn I knew I was in trouble because it give you a ton of outs and I knew by that point I was only a slight favourite, so I wasn't so surprised with the 4th spade hit the river. It hurt but didn't finish me, leaving me with only about 400 with the blinds at 50/100 it really didn't give me any options; hence the push with pocket 7's. Oh well....now if only I can return the suck out it should all be good.

    Was there were real poker players there last night? I guess I missed them busting out early and all. Are you sure you weren't talking about another game?

    Good Luck with the Satelite.
  • Hey AJ...your forgot a pic.

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    I was told this was a quiet passive game


    Now to take down the WSOP satelite tomorrow.  :)

    Who told you that? And what were they smoking?

    Good luck at the satellite!
  • El - the only women I'm afraid of are the ones I marry!!! As far as playing against women, I've said it before, at my table there IS no gender!!

    Joe - Thanks for the compliments on my game, bud. Playing weekly has definitely helped, especially playing against the likes of you, El, Chris, Greg, Justin, and Derek (well okay, maybe NOT Derek :D )

    Chris - thanks for posting that pic, I did forget that one. Derek never looked so good!

    Yes, I was ahead in that hand as it turned out, but only marginally. I do regret folding it after knowing, but to tell the truth, it was a very HARD fold for me. The quick call from Joe threw me off and sent up warning flares in my mind, and I was either way behind, or only slightly ahead. Considering what I was left with though, I should have made the call, and hoped for the best. Oh well.
  • The quick all in was designed to throw you off. And El, I believe it was you that said come out to our nice "friendly" game. You gave me the impression at west side that it was an easy passive game. And to your other question.... I didn't even smoke anything that night.... hehehhe :).

    Ya there were a few poker players. Unfortunately they left early after missing there bus to Toronto.... :).

    Seriously quite a few people there got me thinking prior to acting. It wasn't an internet autopilot.
  • Thanks Johnny, I actually for once enjoyed my b day, but getting up at the LATE 5:45 that I did still hurt me. AJ you gave me the best birthday a poker player could ask for. Next time don't take it so easy on me.... heheheh :)
  • Congrats on the win and a happy birthday Joe. At least now I'm not the only one that lost to you when you were holding the ever-so-powerful 7 deuce.
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