Bristol St. presents -- "Casual Friday" - July 7th, 8pm (Waterloo)

Hey all,

Once again, we'll be having a casual evening of poker at my place. $5 and $10 SnG's, low limit cash games, etc, etc. (And, if we've filled up the heads-up tournament, there may be a couple rounds of that going on!)

BYOB, BYOSnacks, and we'll likely order some Pepi's later in the evening. As usual we'll start everything off with a $10 NL freezeout tournament starting at 8pm - side games will develop as players bust out. Often we do a alternate-format tournament in the evening, so I'm willing to take suggestions. (Off the top of my head -> Duece to Seven Triple-Draw Lowball!)

No need to reserve as we usually don't fill up, but let me know if you coming so I have a rough idea of the numbers.


  • Hey I'm definitely interested in some SNG's for Friday... haven't been to Bristol yet, but I got all the info!

    And yes, I could play some triple draw... low stakes only (A-5 is more fun!) :)

  • Hey Rob....

    Ill let Jeremy know, now that he is back in KW he may want to play some Poker :)

    Ill message ya if hes coming.......

  • See you at 8:00

  • I am unsure if I will be able to attend. However, if I do make it out - would anyone be interested in hitting a patio before the night ends?

    I enjoy poker as much as the next player, however, a Friday night with near perfect weather certainly lends itself to a few refreshments on a tastefully situated patio.

  • Hey...Tom

    ....Ill be at The Still as far as I know....Not sure which patio you are going to but Maybe ill see ya there :)

  • Well, we could go for a frosty beverage beforehand!

  • Before hand doesnt work well for me - I will be at work a little late - than I hope to grab a quick nap.

    Plus the scenery at midnight is generally pretty good at patios.
  • I'll be there once I'm clear from work (which is hopefully around the start time ;) ).
    Zithal wrote:
    Often we do a alternate-format tournament in the evening, so I'm willing to take suggestions. (Off the top of my head -> Duece to Seven Triple-Draw Lowball!)
    Suggestions? 5-card draw, A-5 Lowball Draw, 2-7 Triple-Draw, Anaconda, California Hi/Lo... Notice a theme? :D
  • The evening starts at 8 not 7?

    I'll see if MM and I can come.
  • Yep. 8pm. See everyone that's coming tonight!!

  • TNorth takes first prize in metrosexual of the year voting, in a landslide, when he shows up late and asks Rob if Bristol Street tournies include laundry facilities because, boo hoo, his shirt is dirty.
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