Some people in the US have an interesting view on Canada.


  • Thanks Eric
    Listened to the Clip, and today is the day I do my U.S. collections,
    Think I will initiate a 5% Blonde big mouth Bitch Tax on all invoices they ask to pay in U.S. Funds!!!!!!

    If I had a bladder full of urine, and her brains were on fire, I'd still have to go, because isn't even worth
    P***ing on!

    In case you couldn't tell, You found a nerve!

    Milton Slimmer
  • I found her quite funny actually. As that other guy refered to, she "makes great copy".

    For all the American bashing that Canadians do, good for her sending some of it back our way in style. :)

  • ddmilcan wrote:
    Think I will initiate a 5% Blonde big mouth Bitch Tax on all invoices they ask to pay in U.S. Funds!!!!!!

    LOL, too funny!

    I loved the comments from buddy that most of Canadians are out dog-sledding.
  • Any one seen my dog harness? Need to go out for a bag of milk before I head out curling.
  • In all fairness, this was around the time that Carolyn Parish, in her infinite wisdom was calling americans idiots.

    Don't make it right, but explains it.

    Atleast the fences are now being mended and like all good friends we will work things out.

  • I don't know about you guys, but I think that lady needs to be slapped in the side of the head with a big canadian weiner.

    and the closest I ever came to dog sledding was rollerblading with my husky on the leash. though when she was young enough, I'd get the dog tied up to a sled and she'd actually pull my newspapers through the snow when I delivered them as a young teenager.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Any one seen my dog harness?  Need to go out for a bag of milk before I head out curling.

    LOL! good one!
    the closest I ever came to dog sledding was rollerblading with my husky on the leash.

    I used to have two dogs, a Shepherd/Collie cross and a pure Shepherd, I'd take them both out on my roller blades and it was great...and I would fly when they got running really good....only problem was when one decided to do a 360 around a light pole then my fat ass was sent rolling down the side walk sans three layers of skin, great times!
  • In all fairness to Americans Ann Coulter does not represent the average American. She is as stupid as she is willfully ignorant (obviously a large amount on both accounts). The woman revels in make false statements and baseless claims and the only reason she has any recognition or fame is because she is so inflammetory. She is rarely (if ever) able to back up any of the crazy statements she makes. She loves to go on rants about a plethora of issues and then claims that the vomitous words she spews forth as "the reality of it".
    The irritating bitch lacks any credibility or common decency and the fact that many people actually give her money (for her books, speaking engagements, etc...) isn't an insult to Canadians, the French and the large majority of the Western world. Her existence is an insult to the American people and their character.
    If you wanna learn more about this mind bogglingly stupid person you should read Al Franken's book " Lies and and the lying liars that tell them: a fair and balanced look at the right". In particular the chapters titled (I'm not making this up) "that bitch Ann Coulter" and " did I mention, I really hate Ann Coulter". It's a great read and it exposes the fact that she doesn't have a clue what she's talking about because she so full of shit.

  • Maybe it shows that I tilt to easily, but hearing that idiocy just pissed me off LARGE!!!! I'm so glad I'm not playing poker tonight. I'm sure I would be steaming all night as if that, bitch was the appropriate word, were across the table from me. Well, I'm not that pissed, but can you believe some people actually made it to adulthood with those brains?

  • If Ann Coulter is on your nerves give this a try...
  • That's hillarious... :D
  • i'm so effin' pissed, i'm gonna dog sled to my nearest bar and drink beer until i can't sled no more!
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