West Side Poker Club's Instant Reply Event Sunday July 23rd

West Side Poker Club

We have had alot of request to run this tournament again, so we will do it again Sunday July 23rd


Our 65.00 Bounty Freeze Out

Have you every wondered what it would be like to play in the World Series of Poker?  I am sure many have contemplated and even dream of one day playing in the World Series of Poker.  We at West Side Poker Club our going to give you an opportunity to have that same feeling on a small scale with a twist. 

Here's how it is going to work.  This will be a freeze out tournament.  There is no re-buys  and no add-ons.

     Each pre-registered player will pay 65.00.  Walk-ins will pay 75.00
     Each player will receive 10 000 chips
     Blinds will go up every 20 minutes The goal is to end the tournament between 9:30 and 10:30 pm, although we will have the hall till midnight.     
     Every player will be given a special chip with the word Bounty on it  We will be looking to payout the top 10% players. 

The date will be Sunday July 23, 2006.  The doors open up at 12:00 pm.  Shuffle up and deal will be at 1:00 pm.  We have room for 120 people.  This tournament will be held in a hall between Kitchener and Guelph. 

Here is how the Bounty part works.

Everyone is given a chip with the word BOUNTY on it.  When you put someone out the game you get their “bounty chip”.  For every chip you have it will be worth $5.00.  You can only lose your chip, so if you put out 5 guys you keep their chips and give yours to the guy who put you out. 

As always there will be a 2/4 NL  ring game available with a max buy in of 300.00

Players must be pre-register at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com


West Side Poker Club

PS If we don't get 60 people pre-registerd by July 16th, this event will be cancelled

1.  Cole
2.  Eddy
3.  Shopsy
4.  James D. 
5.  Jeff C
6.  Bob S
7.  Dr Larry
8.  STR82ACE
9.  Kalon S
10.  PokerDeamon
11.  PokerQueenie and her man
12.  2Bullets
13.  BigChrisEl
14.  ElElliott
15.  Pink Lady
16.  Mike R
17.  Romer
18.  Reserved for Romer
19.  Reserved for Romer
20.  Reserved for Romer
21.  Tim
22.  Ryan
23.  Andy T
24.  Kasper R
25.  Kimmy
26.  Reserved for Kimmy's Friend
27.  Raymond S.
28.  Andrew
29   Ken B.
30.  Glen Miller
31.  Gary Miller   
32.  Kordian Z
33.  Peter K
34.  Raf W
35.  Szabi P
36.  Dan H
37.  Tony DiCintio
38.  Sammy
39.  reserved for Sammy
40.  reserved for Sammy
41.  reserved for Sammy
42.  Roger D
43.  John DiCintio
44.  Grahm C
45. Tommy W
46. BlondeFish
47. M lipton

we are going to have 70 or so plenty of room for last minute players

Prophet :2h :2s


  • HI please sign me up to this game i will be there.
    James D
  • We have a wedding that weekend so it's a no go for us Brent.
  • Here is my instant reply to this Instant "Reply" event. ;) At first, I thought that there would be instant replAys or rebuys, but it's good that it will remain a freezeout.

    With the excellent June 25 Main Event simulation tournament still fresh in our minds, here are my suggestions on how to make the Main Event II tournament on July 23 even better:

    1) Is it possible to have poker table tops this time?

    2) Have the exact same blind/ante structure as the real Main Event to make it an even better simulation.

    3) Is fast food delivery available to the hall?  In case I get eliminated by the dinner break, I may be willing to drive out early to help bring dinner for people I know, but I don't even know how to get to the food places in that area. :(

    I know three people who won seats to the WSOP this month, so I will try to contact them and others to play in this excellent event.
  • count me and eddy in brent
  • Hey Brent

    Could you please add Jeremy and I to the list?


  • Sign me up, Brent, BUT I may have to drop out at the last minute if a work assignment goes through.
  • Seeing how I am defending champion for this tournament do I get a free buy-in?
    Thanks the ring king.
  • if i catch the plague i may need to drop out last minute...i mean, sign me up and I have no intention of showing
  • Brent, Cam, can you add myself, Jeff C, Bob S (BIGBOB) and Dr Larry L? I think we will have 2 or 3 more from Milton as well but I will let you know as soon as they confirm. Thx
  • Hi Brent

    Can you add me please.

  • Brent this time i'm in. I would like to sign for this one

    Mike Robinson
  • I will confirm on the 14th but sign myself and 3 guests for now if thats okay.

  • Brent...

    please add 2 players

    Glen Miller
    Gary Miller

  • Sign me up please.. plus one.

    Thanks Kimmy
  • I believe the list is current. If you name is not on the list and it should be please let me know.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    I have received your invites for the last few games, but I have been really busy with the move and the new job and girlfriend. I wanted to come to this one but I will be in Quebec fishing. I will PM you with my new phone number so we can shoot the sh*t.

  • If you are interested then let the Westside guys know as they run a great game.

    Also this is a way I can bump this game to the top of the list as it has fallen to the second page.

  • Add Kalon S. to the list.
  • Sorry but I need to be taken off the list. Have a wedding that weekend and will not be back in time for the tournament. So I guess I cannot defend the title from last month oh well there will be another time. see you all in september. The ring king
  • whoooooooooooooooo immmm feeeeelllling this one baby :2h :3h :fish:
  • whats the status of this tourney?
  • Romer,

    the status looks good we are up to 50 players so there will be a tournament. There is a problem with my tilt central replys just getting a total number and not names.

    See you on the 23rd

  • Can you please sign me up. Thnx. Actually me plus 3.
  • It looks liek we are going to have about 60 for this event. My tilt central service has numbers but not names this time. Anyway, it should be a great time for everyone.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Just wondering if DrTyore is going to break his cherry to the West Side Poker Club events. No pressure Mark, but now that you've won your heads up match you might have the convidence you need to win one of our events.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I was at the last one but now I can't remember how I got there! Anybody have instructions?? Thanks :wav:
  • Directions have been sent.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Hey Brent,

    I never confirmed for this event, but my name is on your list.
  • Damian is coming!!

    It's been so long since I'v played at one of your tourneys Brent...Can't wait this is the best tourney around.
  • Glad to see you are going to make it out.

    Prophet :2h :2s
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