New Players DOMINATE Game 2

Alot of new faces last night at the tables.  And they really played well.

Justin K, a guest of BigChrisE, took down first place last night.  He started his stack from me on the very first hand, and just kept rolling all night long.  Great game Justin.

Now, I was pretty tired last night, so if this is wrong, I know someone will tell me in a hurry.

I believe it was BigChrisE taking down second place last night.  Third was by BusDriver??  Man, I was tired by the time it ended.  Getting old I guess.

I will add some pics later, but I have to tell you, I really like that BUBBLE BOY outfit!!!


  • Yep you got all the places right.

    Champ will like to thank all his loyal fans for all their support, and bringing me back for season 3. Thanks to whom ever put the bubble boy jacket on me, it really helped me get over the bubble. There was no way in hell I was going to bubble out and have to take a pic in that thing.

    Thanks again AJ, the excellent hosting, and good natured players keeps Champ coming back again and again. I know hosting can be a pretty tiring and thankless job. At least we made the final 3 quick this week, and the earlier start seems to work out perfectly. Do I hear anybody game for starting a 7pm ?
  • Good game last night every one. I'm gald I could pass the bubble prize on to others. Now if only I can master the anti-suck out I will rule.
  • As promised, here are the pics from last nights game:

    Newcomer Justin dominates the game!

    Still smiling...on the outside...but NOT a common occurence for El

    BigChris shows off his new tailor made, custom fitted wardrobe!!
  • It's all about the Bubbles........

  • Next week, BigChris will be sporting a NEW IMPROVED LOOK!!!

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Next week, BigChris will be sporting a NEW IMPROVED LOOK!!!


    That's the pic Allen uses on his pokerstars account
  • How often do you guys meet up to play. If it was every 2nd week or so I could probably try and schedule it in. Every week would just kill me.
  • Then I guess you're DEAD, Joe. :D

    But you're more than welcome to join us periodically for a game or two.
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