Interest finder: Casual poker at Bristol tonight?

Hey all,

Just wondering if there's any interest to run some more poker tonight. Was thinking $10 SnG's and the like. Post if you're interested and I'll check the thread at 5pm(ish) to see if anyone's in.


  • Just confirmed that I was going to play hockey tonight

    I was gonna say tomorrow night, but I doubt many are around for the long weekend....

  • i might be in
  • I'm interested. I'll check back at 5 as well but for now count me in.

  • I may be available for an SNG depending on time estimates.
  • Grr... you guys suck

    You know, I only play hockey until 9:00.. is there going to be a second game? I'm just down the road from there... <sigh> I guess I'll sleep on the weekend.

  • Since I'm blowing off work tomorrow I"m debating. It's just this weather thing is co operating.
  • My room mate Adam said he too could be convinced to play an early game - we are heading to Ottawa at 5am tomorrow morning - so we would be looking for only the first game.

    Mark - maybe your hockey will be rained out.
  • My balls feel better. I may be interested. I'll check later as well.
  • Hey all,

    With a bunch of maybes and me unlikely starting til 8pm which may knock out Tom and his friend, perhaps it's best if we hold of til another time.

  • Well I guess that answers that. Then, fine, I won't play.
  • So 8:00 then? :)
  • Ya. It looks like I won't be able to make tonight anyways. Another time

  • I just saw this post!! D'oh!!!

    What about a CASUAL FRIDAY?????
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