Game 2 Player's List

Slow start to the second game, but I'm sure it will pick up by Thursday. Justin is IN for this game, and he's bringing more fresh meat too. YUM!!

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-23 13:56:06
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-23 16:35:00
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-26 22:26:27
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved - via verbal
JHJ's Friend - Seat Reserved - via email
TheMadRussian - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-27 07:42:15
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-27 08:25:56
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via phone
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-28 10:19:23
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - until his wife tell's him he has to finish painting anyway.
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-06-29 08:44:39
Justin K - Seat Reserved - via posting
Chris R - Seat Reserved - via phone call
Marcie - Seat Reserved - via phone call

Also, EASY is interested in joining us. She needs a ride from somewhere in TO. I forgot Derek wasn't coming this week. Justin, are you able to get in contact with her and maybe arrange a carpool? Not sure where she is at though.

List will be updated as we approach game time


  • I'll get the people to start responding if they are in or not.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I forgot Derek wasn't coming this week.  Justin, are you able to get in contact with her and maybe arrange a carpool?  Not sure where she is at though.

    List will be updated as we approach game time

    Derek isn't coming.....awwww....that's too bad......Wyndham and Allen are not sure who they are going to double up from now.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    I forgot Derek wasn't coming this week.  Justin, are you able to get in contact with her and maybe arrange a carpool?  Not sure where she is at though.

    List will be updated as we approach game time

    Derek isn't coming.....awwww....that's too bad......Wyndham and Allen are not sure who they are going to double up from now.

    Hey buddy, don't look at me. Neither of them got my chips last time... it was more the opposite... well with Wyndham anyway. Igor on the other hand took at least half. The rest..... ah, who knows.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Also, EASY is interested in joining us. She needs a ride from somewhere in TO. I forgot Derek wasn't coming this week. Justin, are you able to get in contact with her and maybe arrange a carpool? Not sure where she is at though.

    I will join you guys...only it will have to be next game. Hopefully the few of you who have been helping with the carpool situation got the e-mail I sent...

    I look forward to meeting some new victims poker buds...
  • No problem Easy, you're welcome to join in anytime.

    Now as far as the rest of us, it's getting pretty close to game day and the player list is pretty light. Please confirm your seat either by posting, PM, email, phone call, or carrier pigeon as soon as possible. Remember, we need at least 8 players to make it an official game.
  • Wyndham says he won't be able to confirm until the last minute, Allen I don't know about and I'll try to get him to confirm today. Any word from Gus or the Busdriver?
  • Forgot about Gus. No doubt he will be there, I'll add his name to the list.

    BusDriver.....WHERE ARE YOU??
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Forgot about Gus.  No doubt he will be there, I'll add his name to the list.

    BusDriver.....WHERE ARE YOU??

    Ok, ok, I'll play, but as long as you guys promise to bust me out early so I can get home to paint again.

    True story: last week after a busted out, I went home and painted.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Forgot about Gus. No doubt he will be there, I'll add his name to the list.

    BusDriver.....WHERE ARE YOU??

    Ok, ok, I'll play, but as long as you guys promise to bust me out early so I can get home to paint again.

    True story: last week after a busted out, I went home and painted.

    No problem! :D

  • Ok, ok, I'll play, but as long as you guys promise to bust me out early so I can get home to paint again.

    True story: last week after a busted out, I went home and painted.

    Just cause you get busted out doesn't mean you have to go home; in fact you should hang around and watch the Chris Elliott show....this week Chris makes a jack ass out of himself.....again......
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    week Chris makes a jack ass out of himself.....again......

    RERUN!!! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    BigChrisEl wrote:
    week Chris makes a jack ass out of himself.....again......

    RERUN!!! :D

    It's more like a clip show.
  • I got one more coming:

    Justin Kwok

  • COOL! :D Wow, alot of new faces tonight.
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