Guelph Thursday! Superman?! Cash Game or Tourney?!

Alright ya' i'm up for some poker this week (what else is new?). It is 4 days until my 25th birthday, and i'm thinking i need to have some poker be a part of that.
SOOO.......this thursday, there will either be a 10 + 5 bounty tourney OORRRR a .50/1 or 25/50 cash game (bring about 20 bucks for a decent time). I'm open to suggestions regarding game..we can have dealers choice (switch between 5 draw, omaha, pineapple and holdem and 7 stud hi/low tho..i hate that shit) or we can do it straight up the middle holdem.

We already have some good interest so get your preferences posted and we'll see how she pans out.
Also, after the game thursday we will be hitting up the ebar for some danny michel and some drinks...
I dont think i need to remind everyone (even tho i'm blatantly reminding everyone right NOW) it is my birthday on friday the 30th. This doesn't mean you need to bring anything, but friday night i'm fully going out and having a little partay. Ebar. Should be a blast, and i hope to see a bunch of people out.
And, as another quick aside (man, it seems my birthday is going to be a mini festival) saturday is the IMAX showing of superman returns. wicked. 3:45. IMAX. we are carpooling if anyone needs a ride.
cowboy mike, you better be able to make it you snake..i've heard rumors that that chick jim said is real, and she might be out thursday or friday.....stupid night shifts.



1. Mark
2. River Mike
3. Haren
4. Timmeh
5. James
6. Matt (this guy is tentitive due to always saying he's going to come and then not coming)
7. Jimmeh
8. Mikey the greek
9. MirMir

If we fill up the first table, i'll open the second up for people who want to play.....


  • HOLD THE PHONE. The number #5 spot says JAMES. ummmm I thought he like fell off the face of the earth.

    I should be able to make it both nights, but might have to work Friday night. Kind of like a 25 % chance i have to work.
  • then there is a 25% chance of you missing out on meeting her. are you in for saturday? and what is your pick for type of game we play?!
  • id like to some regular hold em just increase the blind s to 15 mintues if you are leaving early like you said before mark. River
  • Not my fault if my job wants me to work on Canaday day. HOW GAY IS THAT
  • 1. In for Thursday. Prefer NLHE tourney, but open. Got the Danny Michel tix too. Are we starting at 6:30?
    2. Prolly good for B-day festivities Friday.
    3. No go for Superman Sat. - dinner guests.
  • DEFINATLY starts at 6:30 thursday.. THANKS FOR reminding me tim!!
    it's looking like our regular tourney so far with blinds decreased to 15 min for fit...what time does danny get on stage thursday?
  • Usually at e-bar it's opener at 10, main act at 11. BTW, Danny is solo, no band.
  • the only band i would accept with danny is maybe some luke doucette, with some martin tielli or other members of the rheostatics, and paul macleod. band exists.
    'nuff said.
  • So what know no Cowboy on thursday what up with that?
  • UMMM yeah im still in for Thursday, just not sure about Friday night.
  • And another thing. Im not a snake and I won last week so i will defend my win thank you very much...

    Tim just wondering if could get a ride.
  • Mike, Yes, ride. Pick you up at 6:15 due to early start.
  • you know what I think Mark is the true Snake. Cuz why does he gotta be like that.
  • Add Carmela.
  • lookin' like a good time!
  • Sorry to say this but take me off the list i have to be in Cambridge right after work to go to sign up for Air brake endorsement class. Damn you Z!!!!
    River Mike
    BTW Mark no bitching dont want to hear it or read it!
    And by Mark I mean everyone who will be playing poker tonight
  • AH So you say "Mark" but you didn't say anything about COWBOY. Hmmmmm lets see.

    One word comes to mind. SNAKE

  • how long does it take to sign up for the z endorsment? I dont mind blinding you in until you get there man...
  • its lookin like I can make a guest apperance..90% sure
  • can you pm your address?
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