Results from West Side Poker Club June 25th Tournament

West Side Poker Club would like to thank all those who came to our deep stack tournament yesterday.  We had 80 people come from the 115 whom pre-registered for this event.  The event start off on the wrong foot as one of the player fell while getting out of his car.  Thanks to the work of some quick people, and ambulance was called and he was taken to the Guelph hospital with what appeared to be a minor seizure.

The tournament started about 1:30 pm after he was taken to the hospital.  It was hot both inside and outside the building but the action was fast and furious.  The women were out in record numbers and mixing it up with the men. 

All and all it was a great day!  Al with either post or email me the final table results in the morning.  I will say that someone predicated they would be the first double champion at West Side Poker Club and he delieverd.

1st Blair G 1200.00+400.00 ring+ entry to turn of champions
2nd Karine S 700.00
3rd Dr. Larry 500.00
4th Gerty 400.00
5th Stan Schmidt 320.00
6th Shopsy 260.00
7th AJ White160.00
8th Justin Hughes-Jones 80.00
9th Cory bubble prize metal in-lay chip set

Thanks again to all those who came out and we look forward to seeing you again in July.

West Side Poker Club


  • Great Game, as always, Brent. I had a very good time, and coming in the money made it even better. Just wish I had seen that boat before I made such an ass out of myself :'( But my queens held up a couple of times, so all is good in the world again.

    Great game, great people, very well organized. You guys deserve every kudo coming your way.
  • Great game yesterday.

    I had a good time depsite the fact that I busted out so close to the money.
  • Another great tourney. It was definitely hot. Some extra fans might help somehow. Also, ask the guy to put in some white light bulbs to make it easy to differentiate between the chips. I noticed a few colour blind guys were having trouble because of the light.

    Lots of fun in the cash game after. A few new ones were torn. 83o - what a joke!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Great Game, as always, Brent.  I had a very good time, and coming in the money made it even better.  Just wish I had seen that boat before I made such an ass out of myself  :'(  But my queens held up a couple of times, so all is good in the world again.

    Great game, great people, very well organized.  You guys deserve every kudo coming your way.

    I will also echo AJ's comments. A very well run tourney as always.

    You had Q's a couple of times????? OMG no wonder you made the money.  Best pair I had seen was 10's.  I did make the most out of my Ax suited cards mind you.   Now if Cory didn't hit the 6 on the river with his A6 vs my AJ maybe my day would have ended differently.  
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Now if Cory didn't hit the 6 on the river with his A6 vs my AJ maybe my day would have ended differently.  
    Feat not Joe. In the cash game, he nailed Patrick hugely when he didn't 'hit his gutshot'. But then he gave it all to Shopsy and Brent.
  • Nothing beats Cole's 62s all in preflop move! It was definitely a Hail Mary move, but hitting the boat on the flop of 662 was just NASTY!!! :rage: In my opinion, that was the bad beat of the day.
  • The headline says results. So! I couldn't be there, and thought I would find the RESULTS!
    Who won, second etc.

    Milton Slimmer
  • C'mon Slim. That is results-oriented thinking.
  • ddmilcan wrote:
    The headline says results. So! I couldn't be there, and thought I would find the RESULTS!
    Who won, second etc.

    Milton Slimmer
    I didn't win!
  • my freind blair hastie won hes second west side poker ring , and that 6 2 i had to go all in i was big blind , that took out half my stack i wanted to steal so i could play a couple more hand but , i guess i was lucky she called me with the pocket 7s so i could hit my cards
  • After hearing about the West Side Poker Club since last year, I finally got to play for the very first time.  I used different directions (Mapquest) from the general directions given, but managed to U-turn my way into the location.

    Thanks to Al, Brent, Mark, etc. for a well-run tournament.  It was a great Main Event simulation with similar blind structure (but not identical), tracking the number of players left, tracking the average stack, the random assignments of seats throughout the tournament, and highly skilled players including a few who have played at the WSOP.

    The only improvement I can think of is to have some felt poker tables.  It was a pain trying to shuffle and continually having to block cards like Ed Belfour ;) on the slippery table.  After my Anna Kournikova got flushed out by AcidJoe's A-J,  :'( I played in a free bar tournament in Kitchener where there were felt poker tables and I was relieved to find out that I can actually shuffle cards.

    By the way ddmilcan, compuease used the power of the Rocks to get somebody to lay day pocket kings against his worse hand pre-flop!  I busted out half an hour after compuease, but Dr. Larry  had a big stack at dinner break time.

    It's too bad for the Toronto-Oakville players that the best-run poker events seem to mainly be between Kitchener and Milton, but it's worth the drive to try out an event such as the West Side Poker Club.  I look forward to playing again, especially in any more 10,000-chip tournaments.
  • Hey Brent
    As always, it was a great time. Al & you run the best tournaments in this area bar none. A good turnout, and a lot of new faces . It was exciting getting moved just before break to the same table as Cory & Holywood, albiet short lived for me. I forgot to put a $100. bounty on Holywood, turns out he was card dead anyway so I saved myself a chunk of money. I did'nt bring the wine this time cause I wanted to get serious and try to make the final knocked out 56 th., so obviously, me playing sober does'nt work! Figures the best hand I had in 2 hrs. was the one I got knocked out on.
    I'm very interested in the satallites at shopsys for the WSOP entry in T.O.
    Keep me posted. Thanks again.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • Thanks for the kind comments. the final table results are posted.
  • sorry brent wasn't able to make it out for cash games, which really upsets me because my buddy Patrick (how can you call that!) was there :D Oh well I guess I'll just have to save my 2-outers for next time
  • I would like to thank Brent and AL for putting on another wonderfull tournament. Not just saying that cause I won again. But I yes I did say I was going to be the first double ring winner at westside and I was. I guess the next step is to win the tournament of champions. Made it to the finale table last year but Cole put me out. Thats okay though cause he went on to win it. So that is three rings for Elora. See you all at the next finale table. Elora poker players rule.

    four finale tables two rings. Ya baby  Thanks again Blair
  • i fiished 10th on the weeeknd , congrats on your win blair, makeing elora proud ,
  • cole woods wrote:
    i fiished 10th on the weeeknd , congrats on your win blair, makeing elora proud ,

    He's making Elora proud just because of his grammer and spelling never mind the poker.
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