S&G Hand analysis help.

$5  8 Handed S&G.  Down to 6 players.  I am 2nd in chips with 1300. 
Blinds 40/80  Folded around to me in the SB. 

I have  :jd :3d ,  I call.   

BB checks with :3h :6d      Pot is 160.

Flop comes :js :5h :4s.

I min raise to 80.  BB calls.   Pot is now 320 
I figure having a straight draw or flush drawn would make this call reasonable. 

Turn is  :ac   No raise preflop, so i doubt he has one, might help him if he has straight draw.

I bet 80.   BB calls.  Pot is 480.

River is :2d    Gives both of us a straight, but BB the nut straight.

I check (having seen this player bluff previously when scare cards come).   

BB  bets 320.  I reraise 960.  BB calls and shows his nut straight.

Without knowing BBs cards......

Should I have folded pre-flop ?     

Should I have bet bigger to chase him off his draw
rather than trying to build the pot up ?

Would you have just called the BB river bet ?   

Should I have laid it down on the river with the 2/3 pot bet ?

Did i play it ok and just got unlucky ?


  • K Lot's of things. You could easily fold the J3 in the SB, but if you wanna try and limp in w.e lots of people do it. On the flop you should have bet the size of the pot, not min raise. People hate folding to a min raise, and with top pair weak kicker you wanna know where you're at early in the hand. When he calls your raise and the ace turns, he could easily have a 23, i.e open ender or ace rag. Ace is a bad card for you... At this point you should either check to see if your opponent is gonna represent the ace or not. The river is a tricky card for you. I personally hate those straights, and like to check them incase my opponent does indeed have the higher straight. Never check raise that type of straight unless you're 100% certain your opponnet has none of it.

    You might just wanna fold those cards pre-flop to get out of those types of situations. Remember suited doesn't mean they're auto-call.
  • It was a weak play on your part.

    Limping with JJ is dangerous.

    Then making a min bet on the flop with straight draws and flush draws allowed him to draw out.

    Again on the turn you bet the minimum. Very weak. You need to take away his odds at drawing out on you.
    Should I have folded pre-flop ?
    No raises and you question folding Jacks pre-flop? When would you play this hand?
    Did i play it ok and just got unlucky ?
    Not to be harsh, but you played this very poorly.
  • the hand was Jd3d, not JJ. just thuoght I'd point that out.

    and yes, I believe that a stronger bet on the flop woudl have been in order, you have given your opponent odds to catch his draw, and he did. lesson learned, i hope.
  • it was weak man?! I made get into the hand to easy with a raise of 80 chips on the flop and turn!
    Next time bet a bit bigger to ensure that is will be unsure of his hand
  • You need to bet bigger on the flop.
    Min raises just invite drawing hands....and I've seen a lot of min raises lately.

    BTW: Was this played out on PNL? The hand looks familiar.

  • yes it was on PNL... Johnny T had lots to say about it...lol

    there's lots more info about why i played it the way it did,
    and the player who was in the BB, previous hands, previous S&G's, etc...
    there was a method to what seems like (weak) madness.

    I certainly appreciate all the constructive feedback :)
  • gokorda wrote:
    the hand was Jd3d, not JJ. just thuoght I'd point that out.


    Sorry. I was out of it.

    The pre-flop wasn't bad.

    The flop was bad.

    My original comment was bad.
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