Eleanor Takes Game 1 AGAIN!

This is starting to become a habit.

For the second time, Eleanor has taken Game 1 of the new season down tonight.   Great game Eleanor, very nice come back.
EDIT; it was BigChris who won Game 1 of Season 2...I knew it was one of you! :D

Igor took down second place tonight.  He gathered a mountain of chips early, but after the second colour up, started to see his stack dwindle away.  Still, his played has definitely come a long way since he joined our league.  Good job Igor.

Justin takes down third place, and considering his past, that's just the way he likes it.  He seems to always take a third, then a first at least once during the season, only to DOMINATE the TOC game.  Here's hoping the tradition gets broken...VERY SOON!!!

Hand of the night....had to be when BigChris's cowboys went up against Igor's bullets.  Man, that's harsh.  Only four handed at that point, and being dealt pocket Kings looks sweet, until your opponent throws over his rockets to knock you out.  Shake it off Chris.

Great to see the regulars out again, and especially nice to see some players we haven't seen in awhile.  The league keeps getting better and better. 

Remember Eleanor, BRING THE SNACKS for the next game.  Hmmmmm, maybe we should impose a penalty if you forget...say....all points earned to date?  J/K.


  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Hand of the night....had to be when BigChris's cowboys went up against Igor's bullets.  Man, that's harsh.  Only four handed at that point, and being dealt pocket Kings looks sweet, until your opponent throws over his rockets to knock you out.  Shake it off Chris.

    If you mean bad beat of the night that has to be it. Card dead for about an hour; pick up Pockets Kings (Best hand I see all night) with 4 players left. Blinds at 100-200, I have only 1000 left. Automatic all-in for me, chip leader calls with Aces.....it doesn't get worse then that. At least I was short stack....because in a situation like that you'll go broke regardless on the number of chips you have.
  • You can't call being called by Aces when you're holding Kings a bad beat. You were beaten from the start with that hand. Sorry, Chris, but you were outplayed by Igor!! :d: (I'm sure that comment will go over well at work).

    But you're right. In that situation, you're going to lose everything you got. Take solice in the fact that Igor couldn't hold onto your chips for very long.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    You can't call being called by Aces when you're holding Kings a bad beat.  You were beaten from the start with that hand.  Sorry, Chris, but you were outplayed by Igor!! :d:  (I'm sure that comment will go over well at work).

    But you're right.  In that situation, you're going to lose everything you got.  Take solice in the fact that Igor couldn't hold onto your chips for very long.

    That was the second time he had pocket Aces......besides the Kings my next best hand was Jacks (Thanks AJ) then followed by pocket 6's.

    Outplayed is when you raise pre-flop from the cut off with 10-9 and get every one to fold.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    You can't call being called by Aces when you're holding Kings a bad beat. 

    It might suck a whole lot, but you're right - it's not a bad beat. The upside was it gave Igor even more chips for me to win from him :D

    Great game last night - it's nice to see some newish faces. I hope Max and Long had a good time!
  • They did. Spoke to both of them already, and they are both eagar for more.

    Best hand I had all night was QQ utg. Raised to 2.5xBB, every one folded. MY QUEENS HELD UP!!! :D
  • It was a good game last night. I know I had lots of fun (until the Kings/Aces incident). Good to see a nice mix of regulars and new people, hope we keep getting turn outs like last night.
  • Sure would make an awful nice TOC pot at the end of the Season, wouldn't it??? All the more for Justin to win.
  • If any one is interested:

    Champ Pic

    Chump Pic
  • You're going to have to show me how to do that Chris. For the life of me, I can't seem to make it happen...and you seem to be able to do it in your sleep. Always thought it would be great to post the pics up along with the posting for the winner.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    You're going to have to show me how to do that Chris.  For the life of me, I can't seem to make it happen...and you seem to be able to do it in your sleep.  Always thought it would be great to post the pics up along with the posting for the winner.

    You can upload files on the website http://photobucket.com/. It is very simple to use

    From there you can up you can post on the forum either images using the IMG tag or make web links using the URL tags. Once you up load the file they have the links all ready posted and all you have to do it copy the text and then paste it here.

    It is pretty simple to use.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Sure would make an awful nice TOC pot at the end of the Season, wouldn't it???  All the more for Justin to win.

    Congrats El. Hopefully next time I will be around longer to see the end of the game.... and not just as a spectator.

    AJ, I will start working on the TOC chop math now.
  • baboonstare.jpg

    OH MAN, THAT IS SO COOL!!!! Thanks Chris.

    Of course, you all realize what this means now, don't you?

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