Bristol St. Omaha Open - RESULTS!

(My apologies for getting this out late!!)

Bristol Street help the inaugural "Bristol Street Omaha Open" as the first non-hold'em event to count towards player of the year standings. While many people were excited to test their skills in this game a final field of 18 players sent the cards into the air to start the tournament.

With the format a $10 buy-in with 2 ten-dollar rebuys, Trevor couldn't get a draw to hold up and exited the tournament less than an hour in. With only 18 players, it didn't take too long to form the final table. With "Zithal" Rob and "Oragami" Jonathan busted out in 10th and 9th in a matter of moments from each other. The final table started with only 8 players


Seat 1: "Ranger" Mike B ($16,075)
Seat 2: "Ionstorm" Ian H ($9,200)
Seat 3: "Joymoose" Joy R ($600)
Seat 4: "WPT" Steve W. ($13,850)
Seat 5: "DataMn" Al ($7,800)
Seat 6: "moose" Rob ($8,625)
Seat 7: "King MOb" Dave ($8,600)
Seat 8: "Redington" Tyson ($9,475)
Seat 9: --EMPTY--

8th Place: "DataMn" Al - 10:08pm

Blinds at the final table started at 300-600, so many players still had a good deal of play. "DataMn" Al, who's often seen as TD at Westside events, finally made it out to my place and made a first appearance Final Table! Unforuntately his flopped set was out-turned by Dave when his two-pair became a full house and ended Al's evening.

7th Place: "JoyMoose" Joy - 10:12pm

The newest addition to the Bristol Street Casino, Joy's been with us for the past few months and finally made it out to her first event.. being a game she had no idea how to play, getting generic tips from me an hour before start time. The quote of the evening was Joy's "Rob warned me that sometimes you think you have a full house, but really you don't. I lost that hand."

With no previous experience, Joy came to the Final Table with 2 BB's and survived a couple rotations before being forced in , then rivered by Mike. Great job!

6th Place: "moose" Rob - 10:15pm

According to the defending Bristol Street XXVI Champion, "Ian flopped a full house, then slowplayed me to hell." 'Nuff said.

With this final table appearance, "Moose" walked into the competition 4th on the Player of the Year Race with none of the competitors above him in this tournament. The point he gained from this tournament has now vaulted him up the leaderboard and is now tied with "JohnnieH" for 1st place in the Player of the Year race!!

5th Place: "Redington" Tyson (BUBBLE-BOY!) - 10:40pm

Making his return to the Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino, our 2005 Player of the Year, showed why he deserved that title, playing aggressively only to just fall short of the money. In his final hand, Tyson flopped two pair against Dave's made straight and did not improve ending his first tournament of the 2006 season on the bubble. Welcome back!

4th Place: "Ionstorm" Ian ($40) - 11:00pm

On a Q high flop, Ian had AAxx while Mike flopped trips. The cooler didn't come and Ian was ousted in 4th place, good for some cash! The points will add nicely to out local "Degree Poker" Superstar.

3rd Place: "King Mob" Dave ($55) - 11:31pm

Sadly I have no notes marking Dave's exit from the tournament. We can only assume that he was a 95% favorite post-flop and got massively sucked out on. With his exit, we were left...


"WPT" Steve W. ($51,300)
"Ranger" Mike B. ($22,700)

With a slightly greater than 2-1 chip lead, Steve was the man to beat. With blinds at 1k-2k, both players saw a cheap flop of 9QJ with two spades. Both players ended up all in with Mike showing 8QQ3 (so spades) for top set, and Steve showed 224A with three spades in hand. Things looked good for Mike, until a spade fell on the river, giving Steve the win with the flush!

Steve earned first place, an entry into the GRAND FINAL and a first place payout of $185! In Mike's best finish to date, his second vaulted him from 14th place to 7th, cracking our Top 10!

Steve W is a newcomer to Bristol Street, but not to the world of poker. Steve has played (and cashed) in several WSOP and WPT event, most recently playing the WPT Championship Final. Of course, none of comes close to the joy of winning his first Bristol Street! Congrats!!



    1st: "WPT" Steve W ($185) - 11:56pm - 42
    2nd: "Ranger" Mike B ($90) - 11:56pm - 30
    3rd: "King Mob" Dave ($55) - 11:31pm - 24
    4th: "Ionstorm" Ian ($40) - 11:00pm - 21
    5th: "Redington" Tyson (BUBBLEBOY!) - 10:40pm - 19
    6th: "moose" Rob - 10:15pm - 17
    7th: "Joymoose" Joy - 10:12pm - 16
    8th: "DataMn" Al - 10:08pm - 15
    9th: "Oragami" Jonathan - 9:41pm - 14
    10th: "Zithal" Rob - 9:40pm - 13
    11th: "Fallen Angel" Gow - 9:37pm - 13
    12th: "TNORTH" Tom - 9:33pm - 12
    13th: "morty" Sean - 9:29pm - 12
    14th: "TiMSuM" Tim - 9:23pm - 11
    15th: "All-In" Steve - 8:50pm - 11
    16th: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 8:30pm - 11
    17th: "Dirty Whore" Mark B - 8:19pm - 10
    18th: "beanie42" Trevor - 7:54pm - 10
  • Zithal wrote:
    12th: "TNORTH" Tom - 9:33pm - 12
    17th: "Dirty Whore" Mark B - 8:19pm - 10
    !?!?!?!?!?! I thought you guys were the ringers.

  • g2 wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    12th: "TNORTH" Tom - 9:33pm - 12
    17th: "Dirty Whore" Mark B - 8:19pm - 10
    !?!?!?!?!?!  I thought you guys were the ringers.


    So did I... who knew? :)

    It was an... interesting night.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    It was an... interesting night.

    Interesting like 13 beers and passed out on the couch after a $25 pre-flop all-in at a 25c/50c game called by 95os? Or interesting like a Bad Beat section on a poker forum?

  • g2 wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    It was an... interesting night.

    Interesting like 13 beers and passed out on the couch after a $25 pre-flop all-in at a 25c/50c game called by 95os?  Or interesting like a Bad Beat section on a poker forum?


    Always gotta be brining that up eh? Damned Shannon... :)

    The most shocking one would be the NLHE equivalent of calling two all ins ahead of you with say, pocket 3s.... you might be ahead, but it's damned unlikely

  • DrTyore wrote:
    The most shocking one would be the NLHE equivalent of calling two all ins ahead of you with say, pocket 3s....  you might be ahead, but it's damned unlikely
    Bad example - that's how I won my first Bristol ( :)
  • Zithal wrote:

    3rd Place: "King Mob" Dave ($55) - 11:31pm

    Sadly I have no notes marking Dave's exit from the tournament.  We can only assume that he was a 95% favorite post-flop and got massively sucked out on.  With his exit, we were left...

         After eliminating two short(er) stack players and building my stack a little, I took a big loss when an AAQQ hand hit a flop of AQT suited. I made a bet that was probably a little too high and WPT went all in with (as he confirmed later) a flush . I "let" him take the pot, but was crippled.
         I floundered around for awhile taking some blinds until I was called on a all-in when holding a double suited hand with a low or middle pair, all connected. Ranger had me dominated pre-flop,post-flop,turn and river.
         I can't remember the specific cards either.

              Dave Kostis.
  • I had all my chips in with the made str8 - the other guy had trips and the river paired the board.

    I make that same call everytime - but thats Omaha - often 2 people can be correct in putting all their chips in at a given time - but only one gets to win.
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