gut says yes, brain says no?

so, every other day or so, I get the strong urge to make a call that I should not make, for example: in a 5.50 sng on stars.

I'm sb, 56s, a few limpers, i complete. flop comes 9h 5h 6h, and it is checked around. next comes another heart, and a bet of about 540 or so is placed, and called before it comes back to me (i checked). easy fold, right? well I had a gut feeling that the 5 was coming. i coudl feel it. i folded after seriously considering for a while, and the 5 came on the river.

a few days before, I had a small pair, 5's again i think, and i limped. flop came with an A and a K, rainbow. a bet, and a raise to me. I said to myself "i'll hit the set" but didn't have the guts to call it. and the 5 came on the turn. set would have held up.

does anyone else get these plays that they can "feel" a card coming, or taht they should call with waht they think is a hand that is behind, without drawing odds? also, occasionally I'll get this feeling and limp with 3-6 offsuit and hit 2 pair or a full house.. I'm not saying i will alway limp with junk, but I get these gut feelings sometimes.. am I just imagining this, or does anyone else get these gut feelings as well?

or maybe I"m just crazy.


  • Go on meds.
  • do you remember all the times you had " a feeling", called and missed, or folded and missed? probably not.
  • gokorda wrote:
    does anyone else get these plays that they can "feel" a card coming, or taht they should call with waht they think is a hand that is behind, without drawing odds?
    Yes - "monkey mind go blank" syndrome. This is what they put on the death certificate of my buy-in(s).
    gokorda wrote:
    also, occasionally I'll get this feeling and limp with 3-6 offsuit and hit 2 pair or a full house.. I'm not saying i will alway limp with junk, but I get these gut feelings sometimes.. am I just imagining this, or does anyone else get these gut feelings as well?
    How many times do you get that feeling and miss. Going with a read on someone or outplaying them with garbage is one thing. Believing your psychic is totally different.

    Stick to good poker.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    gokorda wrote:
    does anyone else get these plays that they can "feel" a card coming, or taht they should call with waht they think is a hand that is behind, without drawing odds?
    Yes - "monkey mind go blank" syndrome. This is what they put on the death certificate of my buy-in(s).
    gokorda wrote:
    also, occasionally I'll get this feeling and limp with 3-6 offsuit and hit 2 pair or a full house.. I'm not saying i will alway limp with junk, but I get these gut feelings sometimes.. am I just imagining this, or does anyone else get these gut feelings as well?
    How many times do you get that feeling and miss. Going with a read on someone or outplaying them with garbage is one thing. Believing your psychic is totally different.

    Stick to good poker.

  • If you really have that level of ESP, maybe you should open your own Psychic Hotline!! jk...

    I rely on my gut for a read on a player or situation, not for playing "board bingo"

    Beanie is correct (as usual) stick to good poker.

  • Write a book with the guy who plans to "trust his instincts" by folding pocket kings preflop. Should be a best seller.
  • I wasn't saying to fold KK all the time dumbass.

    Nice comment. Why don't you read my whole post before shooting off your yap like that Mr. Monteroy?
  • "How often do you get KK, only to come up against AA unimproved?

    It seems to happen to me an awful lot. 3 more times today. This week alone I would guess at 6-8 times. It is getting to be almost an insta fold when I see the smiling little cowboys.

    They are fast becoming my most hated hand. I was so frustrated today that I even uninstalled PStars off my computer at work. Now that's pissed!."

    As I said - best seller material
  • beanie42 wrote:
    How many times do you get that feeling and miss. Going with a read on someone or outplaying them with garbage is one thing. Believing your psychic is totally different.

    Stick to good poker.

    I am trying to stick to good poker. and I really realize that I'm not psychic, it's just frustrating that I get these urges and they hit.
    but in all likelihood, it's probably just a mis-representation, as I wouldn't have paid attention to the times that it does miss. (though I don't get this feeling often, so feeling + miss = rare :D)
  • You and Lee should put your minds together...
  • I'm sure with a flashy cover, it woudl sell a few copies :D
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