Guelph Cash Games...

Hey im just wondering if anyone in guelph plays any regular cash games and is looking for a player or would be interested in joining me and few others to form a regular cash game. Im open to any stakes.


  • Hey, i run regular tournies...10 plus 5 dolalr bounty (check glasgow st. crew posts)
    I'd be up for cash games...what limits are you looking at? or are we looking at 1/2 NL..(i dont typically play NL cash games..i'm all about the limit)..
    anyways..i'm hosting a tourney tonight, if you are interested...
  • I've read all your posts in the past unfortunatly I work nite shift which makes it difficult for me to play tourneys that start in the evenings. A cash games is easy to keep in a 3 or 4h frame plus anyone can leave anytime. Im very open to any limit there is interst for. i'll play anything from .25c/.50c NL to 2/4NL or a decent limit game whatever the mood is. I was thinking friday evening or saturday afternoons. Or any weekday between 4pm and 9pm other then Wednesday. Let me know how that works for you.
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