Seat Change Ethics?

Last week at BCC this interesting thing happened. Super Loose even for BCC (flops seen = 70%) wants the seat to my left, as does another player. I don't want Super Loose to my left and ask to draw for the seat. I win. THe guy to my left now changes seats. Super Loose says he wants the seat to my left, and I ask for another draw. The whole table looks perplexed and stunned.

Is this unethical to draw for a seat, win and ask to draw for another? I know super loose guy will now want to get the seat to my left as he loves beating me. However, I'm not concerned about tipping my hand with respect to seat selection.



  • Depends on if you ask for a deck change before the seat draw. :D

    What were you going to do if you lost?
  • fair is fair lou, i think you had the right to ask.

    you are trying to protect you stack and theres nothing worng with that

  • moose wrote:
    Depends on if you ask for a deck change before the seat draw.   :D

    What were you going to do if you lost?

    The last time I asked for a deck change or wash was never! When I want to change my luck, I usually just go for an underwear change -- makes everyone feel better too.

    If I lost, I'd just wait/play until another seat opened. It's not a huge thing, but I want to be to the left of the biggest donator in the game.

  • Im personally OK with you taking every chip you can Lou but I decided to look it up in Robert's Rules. It says under "Seating" section..

    "12. A player who is already in the game has precedence over a new player for any seat when it becomes available. However, no change will occur after a new player has been seated, or after that player’s buy-in or marker has been placed on the table, unless that particular seat had been previously requested. For players already in the game, the one who asks the earliest has preference for a seat change."


    If evryone agrees to a draw, the by all means draw, and win :)
  • Well, good old Robert's rules seems fairly clear on it...

    As for your situation, I think it's perfectly fine to ask for the changes, since the other fella is obviously trying to jockey for a better position, and has done it twice, why shouldn't you be able to?

  • The seat change rule used at Brantford differs from Robert's Rule #12 quoted earlier.

    Any existing player at the table (the new incoming player is excluded) may participate in a high card draw for a newly available seat with no special priority given to the person who first asked for the seat change.

    As far as I can tell, what Lougithighs described in the OP is perfectly acceptable under the seat change rules used at Brantford.

    But the question was whether this is unethical? IMO, absolutely not. Just because many players will change seats for no logical reason, and therefore generally not care about which seat they end up getting if they win a seat change high-card draw, this doesn't mean that it is somehow wrong for someone who does have a logical reason (which many players will not understand and/or care about) to change seats via multiple high-card draws.1

    But whether or not you want to clue a live one into the fact that you know he is a live one, well, that's up to you I guess. :)

    Interstingly, another aspect of Brantford's seat change rules differs from Robert's Rule #12. An incoming player either sitting down or placing a buy-in, marker, etc on the new seat has no effect whatsoever on the seat change procedure. Instead, it seems that the dealer is the one who can "lock up" a newly available seat at his/her discretion at any time.

    Finally, if two or more players want to simultaneously request a wash (or deck change as the case may be), they may participate in a high-card draw to see whose request is honoured, regardless of who asked first. When this situation arises, I will nearly always ask for the cards to be washed before the shuffle for the high-card draw, and then request a new setup after the very next hand. Why? Because online poker is rigged.


    1Besides, you gain the additional benefit of getting into the heads of any superstitious people who might be at the table by winning two seat change draws in a row. Simply offer up that it must be because you're running good. :cool:
  • Woo hooo Scotty's back!!

    I missed those analytical posts, thanks Scotty! :D
  • 4:42am Scotty?!?

    Somebody's a professional poker player...
  • I would just let the super loose guy have the seat he wants. It is your job, as a winning poker player, to keep the fish happy.
  • Meistro wrote:
    I would just let the super loose guy have the seat he wants.  It is your job, as a winning poker player, to keep the fish happy.

    This is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out reply worthy of at least a mention as post of the month if not the "post" of the month.
  • all_aces wrote:
    4:42am Scotty?!?

    Somebody's a professional poker player...

    I appologize, there must have been a typo in an email or PM I sent you.

    I am, in fact, a professional porker player. To the layperson of course, this means that I am a day trader in farm commodities.

    I have to be up at the crack of dawn each day to get in on the best hogs.

    A free tip: August Poker Bellies are HOT!

  • Oh, there was no typo. Just thought I'd share the news with the group. Farming is hot right now, and I'm proud of you for being able to get in on the ground floor.
    ScottyZ wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    4:42am Scotty?!?

    Somebody's a professional poker player...

    I appologize, there must have been a typo in an email or PM I sent you.

    I am, in fact, a professional porker player. To the layperson of course, this means that I am a day trader in farm commodities.

    I have to be up at the crack of dawn each day to get in on the best hogs.

    A free tip: August Poker Bellies are HOT!

  • Since I"m up that early anyways, I guess I should get into this business.....

    As to your original question Magi, there is nothing unethical about trying to play poker with position against anyone at the table (within the rules) . The Brantford rules seem to indicate that if a seat opens you may request a change and if others do then draw for it. Play triple jump around the table to keep the donator where you want him.
  • Thanks for ther resposnes guys. 

    I like ScottyZ's approach to say "boy I'm running good" when I win multiple seat changes.  It's a very psychological game with many regulars.  The more they think you're wacky, the more action they give -- and that's saying alot.

    I don't mind alerting the donator about positional advantages.  He plays gutshots like they are open ended straights, so this little piece of information will quickly get lost in his convoluted thinking of how to win.  :D  In fact yesterday, he just smiled when I sat to his left on a new table.  He didn't move.

    Once again -- thanks for the help!

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