New Player - Winnipeg!

Hello All,

I have been reading the board for quite a while now (about 1 1/2 year), and I've played in a couple of the forum tourneys (on Stars). Lots of good info here, but I just decided I would start posting. Representing Winnipeg! :)

I consider myself a pretty decent player (playing competitively for 3 years), but still have a fair amount to learn (although most things in life you never stop learning). Online it took me a while for my game to mature, now I am consistently making money. In the past 2 weeks I am up $700 from a $50 buy in. Why so small a buy in? I am a working man with a family of (almost) 3 kids. I make a very good salary but am building a new house and am about to by a new car. Far more important things in life than wasting it all on poker. But I still love to play!

My live play I consider to be much stronger, I am gotten much better at making good reads. Have made some great laydowns (raise 4x BB pre flop with AK and folded on a flop of A77 when c/r all in by a LAG who after talking the whole time non-stop shut up completely (he showed the 7).

Anyway, to the guts of it. I have an interesting hand to post and see what some responses are (unfortunately I don't have the hand history, but I remember it to a tee):

.50c/$1 no limit cash game on Stars - 9 people

I had bought in for my usual minimum ($40). I like to bring in a small amount to the table and try to run it up (low risk/big gain). After 2 hours had worked it to $215.

Me: BB ($1) :qc :10d - $215
EP: limps - $61
MP: limps - $55
Button: Raises to $3  - $180 (read: decent but tends to over-value any to face)
Me: Call (raise shows no strength, I figure two face (e.g. K 10, K J, Q J). He had been raising to x4 or x5 with low or big PP)
EP: Call
MP: Call
Pot: $12

:ts :qh :6d - Nice rainbow flop for my 2 pair

Me: Check
EP: Check
MP: Check
Button: Bet $4

This is where it gets interesting...

Me: Raise to $128 (yes that's one hundred twenty eight loonies into a pot of $16).

What happened?


  • this sounds like a Bad Beat story my guess is he called/pushed and showed 66
  • He moved all-in.

    Showed KJs
  • I meant to raise to $12, but mistakingly hit the 8 before I hit Enter and raised way more than I wanted to :|. Obviously at this point I was only worried about a set.

    EP: Folds
    MP: Folds
    Button: "lol"
    Button: "You mis-bet didn't you?"
    Button: "Are you nervous now?"


    Button: All-in for $173
    Me: Call (I have to, its less than $60 to call, I'm not giving this hand up for anything now).

    Turn (from what I remember):

    River (again from what I remember):

    Me: Shows  :qc :10d - Two Pair
    Button: Shows  :ks :js - King High

    (Pedro was this you??? :))

    He took a long time to think about it (about 1 minute) and finally decided to put it all in on a draw!!!  :D

    $400 win on .50c/$1. Nice!
  • Nice result. I don't like any part of the hand at all though.
  • Which parts?

    The pre-flop call was a bit loose (being out of position). UTG to MP I normally fold. In the BB I don't just give away my blinds just because someone shows some aggression. I had a good read on my main opponent. The limpers didn't worry me too much. What am I hoping for? Really anything better than top pair. Don't get me wrong, I would play top pair aggressivly, but would fold to a re-raise.

    Post-flop: BINGO. I'm only losing to three hands, all of which I can't put him on based on my read (although one of the limpers could have 66 or 1010). I'm looking for the check-raise, which I got (a little bit more than I actually wanted to of course). This itself is a bit dangerous if he checks the flop and gets a free card, but I hold the agression factor if I check-raise. If I bet and he raises on his draw, then I start to worry about a set. But if I check-raise, the only hands he will likely re-raise with is a set. Thus I get a better read.

    I doubt I lay this down ever in a cash game. Tourney? Maybe.

    The rest of the hand played itself out. He pushed his whole stack on a draw, I'm not laying down for $60 more. I won.

    Any comments are appreciated.

  • Which parts?

    Preflop is sketchy, but I guess the miniscule raise is tempting. You don't close the action though, and you have horrible position postflop. Maybe it's just me but QTo type hands are just awful in multiway pots in NL especially OOP. Actually, as you said...
    I figure two face (e.g. K 10, K J, Q J

    Against "two face" QTo is going to be dominated a lot. You're going to be OOP for the rest of the hand. You're basically hoping to flop 2 pair or better because if you flop top pair you will have no idea where you stand in the hand. I think I'd be more apt to call here with 32s here than QTo.

    Flop: The giant overbet (I realize it was a mistake) is generally going to either fold out all the hands you're hoping to call (overpairs might call since the bet is so out of line), or ensure you get called by a set which has you screwed. With 4 opponents a set is possible. Granted it won't happen often.

    Typically you're setting yourself up to either win a tiny pot or lose a big one.

    The guy calling with his draw is laughable of course. He has a minimal amount invested and has no need to get involved. Nice pot.
  • Thanks, and thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I agree, the massive post-flop re-raise (although a keyboard mistake) was obviously a terrible play. I'm just glad I wasn't up against a set and he was willing to put his whole stack in with an OESD!

    Thanks again!
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