railbirds welcome, 4.40 FT

nothign fancy, but i made FT in 4.40 180 SNG on stars, tourny 26223184 - my first FT, I'm fairly excited.

played like ass the hand before, crippled my stack :p

edit: 5 left, i'm a fairly big chip leader.


  • Congrats on taking it down!
  • holy crap. to my own surprise, i took it down. excellent :D my father watched me play teh last hour and a half or so, might have kept me from doing somethign stupid, knowing that someone else was seeing eveverything I did.

    in any case, there was a nice loud WOOHOO among many high fives when i took down the final hand, 2 pair vs 2 pair, mine held up
  • What is FT?
  • final table

  • It was a lot of fun playing with you, although I think we annoyed most of the tables (rivzilla loved us). I still remember the hand I noticed you were in the tourney. I was about to push KQo on a K-high flop and noticed you in the hand (and the tourney, and my table) and folded, and you had AA.

    You did play great, and I can't criticize a winning strategy. However, based on playing so long with you and going over some of the HH in PT, I did notice 2 things. You call down way too much to showdown, and you min-re-raise a lot more than I usually see. If that's part of your strategy, have fun, but if it's something you didn't realize, maybe this heads-up will help.

    Anyway, congrats again on the win, and hopefully next time I'll make the FT with you (rather than just making the money :) ).
  • thanks for pointing that out beanie, I know that I do call down too often - believe it or not, I severely cut that down in this tourny.. still do it too much it seems..

    I won't deny that I got lucky, I wasnt' near the best player, but I can really say taht despite that, yesterday was some of the best poker I've played (pretty sad, I know)

    I had fun playing with you too, and had fun seeing rivzilla depart while I still had the chiplead :D
  • gokorda wrote:
    I won't deny that I got lucky, I wasnt' near the best player, but I can really say taht despite that, yesterday was some of the best poker I've played (pretty sad, I know) 
    Don't short-change your skill.  Somebody complained yesterday at the FT about how I was a luckbox to make it (he was bitter that I cracked his slowplayed A's with JT).  I told him "We all suckout, and we all get cracked.  If you can win without luck, hats off to ya."  I watched you most of the tourney (even when you were on another table) and you played a great game.  A few mistakes here and there is normal.  Finding them and plugging them will get you to the next level (I'm not there yet either).
  • Cheers :) I'm in another one, hit 2 straight sets at a new table to rocket into 3rd of 66 left at the first break. and, while not the best move, I'm reading harringtons book (or was) while I played, but now it's getting tricky with the chipleader at my table, and I'm through the introductions and whatnot that take up the first 60odd pages.

    edit: 2nd break, 6/23, was riding the chiplead for a while until i ran into pocket kings. still in it though :D

    final edit: K10 raises 3BB to pick up blinds, reraised by QQ to 6BB, called, they held up.
    i'm crippled, 18/21. pick up JJ, go all in, get called by aces, and I"m 1st with 24 left, and out 21st.
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