Bristol Street Omaha Open I - Wed. June 14th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • haddon?

    lol... jk

  • Haddon's wife?
  • compuease wrote:
    Haddon's wife?
    AHAHHAA!!!! :D

    This post needs some kind of warning so other people don't laugh out loud at work!

  • DrTyore wrote:
    That's my guess...
  • Well... fine... I guess there really only is one choice here. Our mystery guest is, in fact, the Bristol Street 2005 Player of the Year, "Redington" Tyson! Great to see him back!!
  • Zithal wrote:
    Well... fine... I guess there really only is one choice here. Our mystery guest is, in fact, the Bristol Street 2005 Player of the Year, "Redington" Tyson! Great to see him back!!
    Phew! Thanks for letting me know Rob. I wasn't looking forward to sitting in front of my computer all night waiting for someone to post ;)

    Welcome back Tyson

  • Zithal wrote:
    Our mystery guest is, in fact, the Bristol Street 2005 Player of the Year, "Redington" Tyson!  Great to see him back!!
    YAY! :wav:

    Hopefully this isn't just a "one night stand" (and now I can bring back your book ;) ).
  • Rob,

    Brent is having car trouble again and unless he finds a ride won't make it tonight. And wanted you to know.

  • Rob, can"t make it Wife won"t be home till late


  • Thanks for hosting yet again, Rob! Always a good time.
  • Who won and was there $ that went into the KWTC? Can't wait to hear the results...

  • Results? Slagging? Suckouts?
  • Sorry all.. I forgot my sheet at home again today. I'll have the results posted and points updated over the weekend.
  • who the fuk won?
  • Who's first?


    Me me.

    Say it's me.

    Even if it's not me, say it's me anyways. Then I can be happy for a few days.
  • Steve W won the tournament.

    I'm sure Rob will post details soon, he's probably busy spending his money from Shopsy's on Friday.

    "Ranger" Mike B
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