New Test Chat Room

OK I created a test room here's the link


  • or this great thing called msn messenger.
  • 2554 members if half have msn that makes for one long list in msn.. lol

    rather have a room
  • point taken. if you build it, they will come. (maybe)
  • well I can make a room on Mirc easy enough.. but dunno how many would wanna use that
  • IRC chat sounds like a non starter. I do know that software such as SMF that run this forum have addons that would integrate a live chat room into this website. Now this is something I could see members using.
    Sounds like a good request for the the Site Feedback area.
  • been requested for awhile now but Sloth is MIA...

    he had a chat room in his canadian national poker league and frankly it sucked.. but anything is better then nadda
  • I'm in the room but it doesn't show people in it.. come say hello
  • myself, i see no reason for a chat room, but hi
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