Tonights Last Longers

55K GTD 10rebuy


TMac (?)

20K GTD 3 rebuy



Let me know if the amounts are good. Any interest, reply here.


  • I am in for both
  • sounds good

    you will probably take the 3.30, i never have success in these
  • playing in the 20K, but I'll only be in the last longer for fun.. good luck to you all :)
  • Are you guys starting a nightly thing? :)

    I'm in the 20K, and I'll come in for the LL. Not sure about the 55K yet, see how I'm feeling at 10.
  • joy. some donk is going all in every hand, and rebuying when he's out.

    and as I write this, picked up KQ, called, hit 2 pair, tripled up :)

    still doing it though, he is. annoying as hell
  • are you at my table?
  • table 137 right now. i'm thathoser

    edit: due to his crap play, I'm sporting 9K chips w/o rebuy after the table broke up. now it's time to actually play
  • gokorda wrote:
    now it's time to actually play
    But the rebuy isn't over yet ... bingo for another level ;)
  • well, i guess so.
    never played one of these before actually, still trying to get my sea-legs.

    you guys doing ok?
  • LOL, im in for enough rebuys to feed a country. Its fun though :)
  • I'm only in for 1 (double) rebuy. My tourney has basically been win 2 races, lose 3 races. Sitting at about 7k right now.
  • Irah wrote:
    LOL, im in for enough rebuys to feed a country.  Its fun though :)
    It's been entertaining watching you, and nice seeing an entire table on tilt ;)
  • just lost it all, TT, called an all in by a maniac (who went all in with 7-4 last hand) who had QQ, it held up. rebuy, going to see how it goes starting froma meager 1500 now :)
  • MY table broke !!!!!!!! arg

    Take a guess who was there though. I will give you a hint, he has over 90K in chips right now, thats probly 65% mine (maybe more)

    anyways, 9K for me after addon

    I knew i didnt like these for i reason - I go crazy :D

    GL all

    PS. SirWatts chiplead in the 35Kgtd right now. 50 or so left. Best of luck.
  • out of the 20K, good luck guys.

    got called with top pair by a nutflush draw, he hit. now I need to do well in my freezeout to make up for the 9 bucks this costed me :P
  • I'm out too - can't win a race to save my life :( . I'll transfer the $$$ once we have a winner...
  • I think I'm gonna take ab reak after the 35K so I'll have to miss this again tonight.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    I think I'm gonna take ab reak after the 35K so I'll have to miss this again tonight.

    Pfffff. Wimp. Its not like ur even deep, or have many chips. :)

    J/K. GL to you sir. Hope you take it down.
  • I think I got the 3rebuy.

    Still in at 3rd break with 56K.

    Getting owned in the 55k though. down to 7K
  • you got the 3

    Ill have to take the $10 rebuy just to save face
  • congrats irah, you're doing well!
  • thanks gok.

    Still alive in the 3R. got lucky and am up to 100K.

    Also still alive in the 55K, but i have a felling this is going to be Hertz's night.

    Also, at a 50+5 LHE final table. 6 left, second in chips. very small tourny though
  • Congrats Irah, $$$ sent.  Railbirding you now.
  • Good job Irah you got me again.

    money is sent
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