KW - Thursday night 1/2

hey guys...
tuesday night turned out bigger than i expected... but im hoping i get more players tonight....
1/2 nl hoping to start with full table, around 9-10 ish...
drinks and snacks + a great game
pm for details...


  • why do you always run these games so late ;P
  • oh and is anyone who is going to this willing to give me a ride? I live near weber and parkside by the VW dealership.
  • lol most of the players are university students.... so they like running stuff late...
    if there are enough players willing to start early i dun mind
  • What time? Where are you located?
  • 9/10ish, he is located near the university
  • I'm interested.
  • PM'ed for details. Exact location. I'd be interested.
  • anyone wanna get this going earlier, like at 8? I'm sure if it's just a few people we can just play some low stakes no rake there until more show up.
  • have no problem with that but i still need to know where i'm going.
  • I'll start playing as early as people are willing to start (and host is willing to host).
  • wicked lets get this show on the road

    Anyone care to give me a ride!? :0
  • FA : have you private messaged youtube? If it gets down to the wire I'll let you know where the place is since I know you but I'd much prefer if he told you, just on general principle of the thing.
  • yea i've private messaged him. I can wait a few more hours. And i'd love to give you a ride but i don't have a car...sorry man.
  • simple solution steal one and give me a ride :p You walkin?
  • Yea, i'll be walking. I live near the university anyway so it's not too far.
  • FA :

    sent you a PM.

    Anyone else wanna show up at 8?
  • I would show up at eight, but I think we need the host's permission first.
  • bah that's over-rated ;0

    (jk of course)
  • hey guys can i get a head count of people coming plz...
    i need a final head count of whos in for sure...
  • I'm In
  • coo i talked you fallen and meistro now...
    diddy you have my info?
  • oh.. btw game starts at 10 officially.....
    msg me if anyone else is interested~~
  • hey guys i don't need a ride and will be showing up at 10 everyone come play!!!
  • quick night... winter fresh and meistro ran the table....
  • Everyone :

    Great game, very legit, lots of fun, I highly recommend to anyone.
  • My wife and I both used to play at tyson's and would be interested in knowing the details of your games.
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