Bristol St. Classic XXVI - Results!!!

With the heat wave mostly over, Bristol Street opened it's door for the 26th Bristol Street Classic. A full house of 32 participants added to the warm weather and the tournament was once again a freezeout format. The unluckly first person out, Perry D, had his night cut early after 13 minutes when his set on the river made Brent a straight. The crippled player went out a few hands later.

Bristol Street XXVI saw the quickest collapse of the first table (1 hour, 6 minutes) as play was agressive throughout the night as many player took chances to increase their stacks to give them a shot at the final table.

At 11:18pm, "Quickfingers" Anthony R. busted out in 10th place and, with the blinds at 600-1,200(200), we were ready for the final table.


Seat 1: "moose" Rob ($31,200)
Seat 2: "Yellow Smurfette" Janie ($23,000)
Seat 3: "diddy" Paul ($21,700)
Seat 4: "Shtebs" Steve ($6,900)
Seat 5: "Mr." Lance H. ($2,400)
Seat 6: "King Mob" Dave ($6,300)
Seat 7: "TNORTH" Tom ($12,600)
Seat 8: "dgangsta" Tim ($16,000)
Seat 9: "Oragami" Jonathan C ($10,400)

9th Place: "Shtebs" Steve - 11:36pm

Early in the level, the extremely short stacked Lance tripled up with KJ v. TT v. 55 when a J flopped. This gave him a little more amunition with which to battle. The triple-up crippled "diddy" Paul who looked to be on life support, but K on the flop made his KTh the best hand against pocket jacks and he was back in the hunt.

In early position, Lance raised it up to 3,000 and the short stacked Steve, pushed all-in with his remaining chips. Getting nearly 3 to 1, Lance made the call and showed JQo. Steve turned over A7d and was very please to see a flop of A 4 3. The Q on the turn, followed by the Q on the river, was a blow to the gut and outsted "Shetbs" from the Final Table. Lance's stack grew to over $20,000 in early action.

This was Steve's first final table of the 2006 season.

8th Place: "Yellow Smurfette" Janie - 11:43pm

With the blinds moving to 800-1,600, action kept moving fast. On a flop of J76, Janie found herself all in again Rob. Janie turned over TT while Rob showed 66 for the flopped set. No ten materialized and Janie exited the tournament in 8th place. In only her second appearance at Bristol Street, this was Janie's first final table, busting out 10th at Bristol Street XXV. Great game!

7th Place: "King Mob" Dave - 11:59pm

For most of the final table, Dave survived on a small stack but eventually needed to make a stand and he did so with AJ getting called in two spots. Jonathan held 33 and a very low stacked Tom called with Q2s. The flop came 9QJ, putting Tom ahead. No help on the turn or river, ended Dave's night and nearly tripled up Tom.

Having been eliminated second at BSC XXV, it was great to see Dave rebound with a Final Table appearance.

6th Place: "Mr." Lance H. - 12:15am (BUBBLE-BOY)

With the blinds rising to 1,000-2,000 (300), the bubble could not last for long. With an ever shrinking stack, "diddy" Paul pushed all-in and Lance called all-in for his last few chips. (Paul having him covered) Tom, priced into the hand, for an extra couple hundred above the blinds, called to make it a three-way race. Paul turned over K2s, Tom turned over 82o and Lance turned over A6, giving him the early lead. The flop of J29, paired Tom and Paul's 2 with Paul having the bigger kicker. A second spade appeared on turn killing some of Lance's outs, and while the 6 arrived on the river, it was the 6 of spade making Paul the King high flush.

This was Lance first appearance at a Bristol Street Classic and made an excellent run to the money!

5th Place: "TNORTH" Tom - 12:20am ($30)

Blinds rose to 1,500-3,000 (500) and Tom found himself in a three way all in with A7. Rob held 8To while "diddy" showed K8. The flop of 2 7 8 gave Paul the lead and there was no help for either player has the turn was a 3 and the river was a 5.

"Diddy" eliminated his second player in a row and Tom was out in 5th. This marks Tom's third final table in a row at Bristol Street with former 7th and 3rd place finishes. His second cash of the season should vault him up the leader board.

4th Place: "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 12:27am ($65)

After commenting early on that he was having a great tourament, Jonathan's final table appearance come as no surprise. His finally pushed all-in with 22 only to find "diddy" holding JJ. No 2 and "Oragami" was out in 4th place, with "diddy" eliminated yet another player from the tournament.

This was Jonathan's first final table and cash of the 2006 season and one of his best finishes yet. An excellent tournament!

3rd Place: "dgangsta" Tim - 12:35 ($95)

It's been a while since we've last seen Tim and his Final three appearance is good indication that he's been working on his games since he's last been here.

His final stand occured with 66 v. "diddy"'s AJs. A J on the flop ended Tim's evening in 3rd place. A great finish to his first tournament of the 2006 season. With diddy's fourth elimination in a row we were now Heads up!


"diddy" Paul - $85,000
"moose" Rob - $43,000

With two to one chip lead, it was still anyone's game and the action was intense for the next 20 minutes. Over that period of time, Rob fought back to even with aggressive play and raises eventually wrestling the lead from Paul and he never looked back.

On the final hand, both players limped to a flop of 966 and both players ended up all-in after that. "diddy" turned over 94h while Rob held the brief lead with 9T. A K on the turn gave both players 9's up with a King kicker and it looked like we were headed for a split pot, but then a VERy ugly second K appeared on the river giving Rob 9's and K's with a T kicker, giving him the lead, the hand and the Championship!!

"moose" Rob is the Bristol Street Classic XXVI Champion, winning $290 and earning his seat into the Bristol Street 2006 GRAND FINAL. Quite often the BUBBLE-BOY at Bristol Street events, it was great to see Rob finally win one.

"diddy" Paul, the Legends of Bristol Street runner-up ended with another second place finish and $160 for his troubles. A great run for Paul!!



    1st: "moose" Rob ($290) - 12:57am - 57 points
    2nd: "diddy" Paul ($160) - 12:57am - 40 points
    3rd: "dgangsta" Tim ($95) - 12:35am - 33 points
    4th: "Oragami" Jonathan ($65) - 12:27am - 28 points
    5th: "TNORTH" Tom ($30) - 12:20am - 25 points
    6th: "Mr." Lance H (BUBBLE-BOY) - 12:15am - 23 points
    7th: "King Mob" Dave - 11:59pm - 21 points
    8th: "Yellow Smurfette" Janie - 11:43pm - 20 points
    9th: "Shetbs" Steve - 11:36pm - 19 points
    10th: "Quickfingers" Anthony - 11:18pm - 18 points
    11th: "8Ball" Tye - 11:14pm - 17 points
    12th: "SirWatts" Mike - 11:06pm - 16 points
    13th: "shopsy" Jeff - 11:06pm - 16 points
    14th: "The Prophet22" Brent - 10:35pm - 15 points
    15th: Steve W - 10:30pm - 15 points
    16th: "AcidJoe" Joe - 10:21pm - 14 points
    17th: "Wolffhound" Dave W - 10:03pm - 14 points
    18th: "morty" Sean - 9:56pm - 13 points
    19th: "Dirty Whore" Mark - 9:49pm - 13 points
    20th: "ScottyZ" Scott - 9:48pm - 13 points
    21st: "Ranger" Mike - 9:47pm - 12 points
    22nd: Nicole - 9:45pm - 12 points
    23rd: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 8:42pm - 12 points
    24th: "Ignance" Jon - 8:26pm - 12 points
    25th: "Devil" Dave - 8:11pm - 11 points
    26th: "Zithal" Rob - 8:10pm - 11 points
    27th: "PokerQueen" Mandy - 8:08pm - 11 points
    28th: "Big Daddy" Paul W - 8:05pm - 11 points
    29th: "folded" Cory - 8:04pm - 11 points
    30th: "TiMSuM" Tim - 8:01pm - 10 points
    31st: "AcidJoesHo" Aimee - 7:56pm - 10 points
    32nd: "Perry" Perry - 7:18pm - 10 points
  • I realize it's widely known but it never hurts to say it again... You ran, yet another, great tournament Rob! Can't wait for the next one.

  • Zithal wrote:
    14th: "The Prophet22" Brent - 10:35pm - 15 points

    Interesting, I didn't know Brent was going to be there otherwise I may have shown up. I thought he was on a sabatical?

  • Do you miss him that much?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Do you miss him that much?

    Well, maybe it's time to throw out one of these threads for him and make him feel all warm and fuzzy like I did....

  • Congrats on the win, Moose!!!

    I wish I could have been there in person to see it.

    Johnnie (on vacation!!)
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