WTC conspiracy theories
I'm more of a hobbiest when it comes to conspiracy theories, but I came across this site which really raises a few eyebrows. If you don't have time to read the whole list of unanswered questions...skip to question #12 first...I found this one interesting because Bush makes the same mistake twice, and it's even logged on the white house website.
Overall, a really good read content wise, also look for the diagram about the 2nd collision and the questions it raises about the amount of fuel that was spent outside.
Overall, a really good read content wise, also look for the diagram about the 2nd collision and the questions it raises about the amount of fuel that was spent outside.
1. Well everyone gets duped everynow and then. Not every intellegence agency is invincible. That's why the Nazi lost the war.
2.I'm guessing that the occupancy rates were low because it was a weekday and it was 9am in the morning.
3. If you take off from NY there is a problem with having to turn around and stuff like that. IF you take off from Bean town heading to NY your already at the right altitude and direction to crash into a building. Don't have to use much skill in ascending, descending and turning.
4. Sort of same as above I beleive they wanted the altitude factor and use gravit to help crash into a low story building.
5. All I can say is someone got duped. Or possibly there was an insider terrorist working in the ATC centre.
6.Because they want to review themselves and come up with their own theories first before the public goes all heywire.
7.These questions might be out of date but yeah they have released the recordings.
8.The one in Pennsylania crashed because the people on the flight struggled with the terrorists and it eventually crashed in the wrong spot.
More to come I'm at work.
The fact that whoever wrote this got one of the most basic 9/11 facts wrong causes me to dismiss this anylysis completely.
From the article:
Three of the four planes took off at approximately 8:00am, and the fourth (the one which crashed in a field) was scheduled to take off around 8:00 also, but was delayed and took off around 8:45.
Someone who can't get a fact as simple as the time the planes took off correct has not even come close to credibility IMO.
Don't get me wrong, I'm always open to reading (or putting forth) consiracy thoeries in general. But I'll only listen closely if someone appears to know what they're talking about. 8)
How so? What part?
9. Sorry but, what? I don't understand. I'm guessing my answer for this would be. The Farmers are exaggerating. Someone didn't get thier facts straight or there was a 60mph wind 5,000 feet in the air or however high the planes was.
10. Yes. Couldn't tell you. Most likely. Maybe. No because it was Arab hijackers or ethnic people of course.
11. Can't tell. Video to blurry. But the missle theory, come on. These guys are from Afghanistan or some 3rd world country. Now befor the planes takes off wouldn't someone know something looks funny on the plane?
12.Bush is a clueless moron. A child president. He just listens to his dad. Now he continued with the story not to scare the children of course which is good. What is the president going to do in a situation like this anyways I ask? He sits at task and people advise him to do things. He's like a head coach on a football team. His Offensive and Defensive coordinators tell the best plays to make in this situation. The head coach then relays this to his QB or Defensive captain. Now it's up to the head coach whether to relay that message or not of course he could say something completely different that's why he's the head coach. Then it's up to the QB to complete the task at hand (like ground troops or CIA agents). Just like the military they could always do something different but there would be big trouble. Did Bush have prior knowledge, no. Like I said he's a slugglish, numskulled, brute. He doesn't know anything.
13.Well there are list of people on the plane. We know that of course. Then it's just simple math. Contact relitives, look in there database of criminals. They knew these people before hand but didn't know they would commit such an act, I'm guessing.
14. Shit happens? Maybe the way the structure was hit, the impact speed, number of people inside. Could be a tons of reasons.
15. Don't know sorry.
16.I don't know. I'm no architect, just a journalist that can't spell.
18. 56 minutes. That's a long time! I've worked in shops before and it doesn't take to long to liquify steel. Maybe a few minutes. So 56 minutes is not unreasonable.
19. If they wanted to collapse the buildings they would have evacuated people moved everything out and strapped dynamite to the building. Not waste millions of dollars on planes and kill close to 2500 people.
20. Ok, do I really have to answer this? Has anyone ever seen a building being demolished?
21. Maybe. But why?
22. Your kidding me right?
23. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Osama. They seemed to like it. Oh, the rest of the world being able to say to Mr. Bush Jr. and the USA, "look your not invincible." Like a wake up call.
25. No idea, good one.
26. Burned? Disintergrated? You know what cremation does right?
27. What's to exam? Tell me that first. Why do they need to forenisically study this?
28. No idea. Don't keep up with the stock market.
29. You know what? I like that one. If there is any truth to these conspiraces it would be that one.
30. Intelligence reasons. Once you leak plans on how they will beef security measures then the enemy finds out how to crack it. It's like spider web. If the fly doesn't see it. It will be caught.
Now can we let those souls who lost their lives rest in peace and stop with the 9/11 shit. This has gone on too long. 2004 now, this happend in 2001. About 2 years and half now. Hell I was still a teenage then HAHA.
before the bombing, the governing Popular Party was waaay ahead in the polls. Then the bombing happened. Then the elections happened. The (American-supporting) Popular Party got ousted by the Socialist Party, and one of their first acts was to pull out of Iraq.
Pretty interesting, neh?
here's my theory
1. bush scammed bin laden for an X amount of US$
2. bin laden said you owe me X amount of US$ else ill bomb something in the US
3. bush laughed and ignored the threat
4. bin laden crashed planes into the twin towers, seeking revenge, maybe he was looking for bush to actually spend the X amount of $
5. bush shit his pants, went for a "terrorism" war
6. on his way, he "found out" that Iraq had WMD's
7. our paranoiac leader thought he was also a threat to the US(racism?)
8. he went for a crusade for holy land(and we are socially advanced??)
9. bin laden got scared of the repercussions, he went to hide in the mountains, where he probably died a few months ago(he was suffering from diabete, he needs insulin)
10. bush has a uber huge ego, even if hussein(which is out of his way now since has been arrested, his 2 sons killed and hell broke loose in Iraq) and still claims that Iraq has WMDs
11. since most of countries refused to go to war, except canada, which is more like symbolism, bush will soon suspect that the europeean countries are a "threat" to the US
12. bush will break the NATO treaty
13. WW3
14. canada and all of the europeean countries will declare war on US
15. decline of the US empire, just like Rome in 476, or its apogee(depends wether they win or lose the war)
thats of course, pure suppositions, apart from #1 to 5