What is happening with Season III???

Hi Everyone,

I guess that I should start with thanking and congratulating AJ for another excellent and well organized season. Thank you.
Now, what is going on this week, if anything??? I have no problem with committing to our regular weekly league games but if you guys decide to do it by-weekly, I'm fine with that too.
What about the BBQ event that you're planing to host AJ?? Is this an open invitation for all league players? If yes, then I think we all should agree on carrying responsibility for food and beverages?? What do you all think??

Hope to see Ye'll soon, haven't lost any money playing poker since last thursday... that's way too long...


  • No game this week! Sorry, but you'll just have to lose you money somewhere else. :D

    As far as Season 3 is concerned, I'm still thinking about it. Looking at starting closer to the end of the month maybe, but I will let EVERYONE know in soon.

    The BBQ is currently scheduled for June 17. And yes, it's an open invitation to all members and spouses and girlfriends (just be careful, any blood is YOUR responsibility to clean up) :D.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    No game this week!  Sorry, but you'll just have to lose you money somewhere else. :D

    As far as Season 3 is concerned, I'm still thinking about it.  Looking at starting closer to the end of the month maybe, but I will let EVERYONE know in soon.

    The BBQ is currently scheduled for June 17.   And yes, it's an open invitation to all members and spouses and girlfriends (just be careful, any blood is YOUR responsibility to clean up)  :D.

    So are you saying that if I bring the Wife that I can't bring the G/F?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    So are you saying that if I bring the Wife that I can't bring the G/F?

    Not at all. Just that you are responsible for cleaning up ANY mess that is caused when wife meets g/f...or when wife brings b/f...works both ways I guess.
  • So is the date of the 17th confirmed for the BBQ?

    The reason why I am asking is because I was thinking about hitting another game that week-end but if the 17th is good then I will have to cancel out of the other game.

    Ching Hill is first!
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