The Basement

Does anyone know what happened to 'The Basement'?


  • I put up drywall and painted.
  • folded wrote:
    I put up drywall and painted.

  • Let me make a few phone calls and I'll pm ya.
  • C'mon, not a single person knows what happened?
  • I guess the guy that ran it got tired of hijaking all the threads on here about his game
  • There were 3 partners, 1 left and the other 2 are apparently getting into business with the person who bought all of the River Rooms equipment when they shut down. The are reopening elsewhere under the same RiverRoom name.
  • I am the partener who left. Taking a huge toll on family life......not to mention a sheet that simply cut back on earnings to the point where it became not worth the time.

    A world of degenerates we live in........

    I am all for gambling, I love poker. But I personally subscribe to a lifestyel where in which one plays with money they have, and not with money they dont have.......

    I don't mind the multi millionaire that comes in and goes on the sheet because he doesn't like to carry cash......he is gold.
    but the player who comes in with 4 bills and ends up begging off for another 4 or more before quitting and dissappearing......well that just tires me to no end. You can smell them comming.....They are the lifeblood of our games and we need them, cause there back every day it seems. But when they lose so do you........

    It is the one major set back to this business I find. You can host friends, promote the game to responsible people, but it always comes down to the degenerates that actually keep your game going, and no matter how much you tighten on the always catches up with you,,,,whether it be days, weeks or months later........I hated those guys who would use your money to play, lose, and then force you to cash out other players with the money you lent, and may never see again.

    Lest anyone tell me that they can run a room with no sheet, this would be next to impossible....

    My parteners with whom I am still friends, have moved on and will be involved with a rejuvination of sorts of the famed RIVER ROOM. Look for details new owners, new spot.....

    And BTW GTA I never hiJacked threads, I simply advertised aggressively, as do most other rooms on this forum.
    The whole time I advertised, very few ever took notice, that it is gone.......I see ironic.
  • I'll vouch for Josh, any game that he's been involved in has been A1. He does promote his stuff aggressively and that's fine by me. I do understand the sheet part since it is the guys who need to play but can't that keep most places going.

    BTW Josh is the Bridge Club game still going? PM me thanx.
  • Yeah, I never understood how some places keep letting certain players play. I play at times at a low limit club and they have at least 4 players on a sheet for over 10k, one over is that possible?

    For one, I always cash in and out. I would never play with money I don't have.
  • A sheet is standard for any place that involves gambling. I know of several individuals that go to the track every day strictly to keep their customers happy there. Sheets exist everywhere. Anyone who has gambled for a living has had to borrow money to keep afloat. If they say they haven't they are probably lying or got very lucky early. I personally vote for lying. The thing is everyone needs to have a limit. I don't mind borrowing but you have to afford to pay it back and not be able to afford it only after the hard 8 hits back to back. Unfortunately for winning players it's the degenies who keep the games going. I've been on both sides of the equation and it's not pleasant chasing someone who has just left for the UK, or Mexico who owes you large. And try telling the Toronto Police that some dude who owes you several K has left for England.
  • i know that, but to allow someone to get into a 5 figure debt in a low llimit game is tough to fathom, no?
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