Bristol St. Classic XXVI - Wed. June 7th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Nevermind. Can't play
  • The list is up to date and there is no one on the waiting list and two open spots on the list. Looks like we've got a couple warmer days coming, so please dress appropriatly!
  • Sign me up please.
  • If anyone has All Aces DVD and/or Nevada Jacks, please bring them tomorrow. I'd like to look at the Jacks and I'd like to borrow the DVD if possible. Thanks.
  • I'm going to have to take my hat out of the ring as well. Sorry for not being there to make my fourth consecutive final table. :D

  • I can make it again. See you all tomorrow night.
  • I am unable to make it now. Please take me off the list. Sorry about that. I really hope I can get out to the next one though.

    Dave P.
  • Man I wish I had slept last night so I could go to this.
  • Hey Rob,

    With the cancellations and stuff, if there's a spot open, can you add me? I'll be about an hour and a bit late so post and fold me. I'll try to make it as soon as I can. I should be able to make it into the 5th level...and from there, i'll take my chances. Worst comes to worst, it's an extra $20 in the pot :). Learning experience. Thanks!

  • We are just leaving Rob, we will show up, please blind us in if we are.
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Hey Rob,

    With the cancellations and stuff, if there's a spot open, can you add me? I'll be about an hour and a bit late so post and fold me. I'll try to make it as soon as I can. I should be able to make it into the 5th level...and from there, i'll take my chances. Worst comes to worst, it's an extra $20 in the pot :). Learning experience. Thanks!


    Currently we're full with one on the waiting list. I wont' be able to post and fold you. Sorry! Feel free to come by for any side games starting up though
  • Fair enough! Thanks for saving me $20...
  • Count me in for a seat.
  • Hey Rob.....

    Thanks for the Poker...even though I didnt last that long :)........

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